Congratulations to Sancho Pawnsa
Sancho Pawnza has just completed the MDLM Program. Congratulations! Nice to hear the pattern recognition has kicked in for you. I found it interesting to read your earlier post when it was just you and Don finding your way.
Takchess Update;
Hmmm. Chess Club on Friday. I beat a player who I hadn't beaten in our roughly 8 previous encounters. Very happy about this. An older solid player who waits for me to make a mistake, makes few mistakes, only attacks when he has a clear advantage, simplifies to the end game. I played a Giuco Piano as white. At one point his bishop pinned my knight to my queen. My bishop to f7 check, King X bishop, Knight to E5 check, King to g8, queen X Bishop. This time I simplified to the endgame and won.
Over the weekend, my family and I went camping on Cape Cod. Spent good quality time with my sharpen my tactics book as well as Blokh's art of the combination book (of which ct-art is based). I especially like at the beginning of each chapter there is a group of approx 20 simplified problems (5X5 squares )for each theme.
I also picked up a copy of Chessmaster at any age by Rolf wentzel on ebay. I like it very much. My takeaway from the book is that most chessplayers (me included) waste opportunities to improve long term by not methodically studying over their games. He creates flashcards of positions that highlight mistakes he made during game situations and things he learned in study. Like De La Maza he created a way to help himself improve. After hitting a plateau at a rating of 1800, his program brought him to be a master at age 50.
Monday, I played a bunch of rated games when tired and quickly lost 80 rating points ..ouch. I have since gained most of that back.
As for Ct-art I have started highlighting specific tactical problems for review and I think this will help me in my next minicircle.
Takchess Update;
Hmmm. Chess Club on Friday. I beat a player who I hadn't beaten in our roughly 8 previous encounters. Very happy about this. An older solid player who waits for me to make a mistake, makes few mistakes, only attacks when he has a clear advantage, simplifies to the end game. I played a Giuco Piano as white. At one point his bishop pinned my knight to my queen. My bishop to f7 check, King X bishop, Knight to E5 check, King to g8, queen X Bishop. This time I simplified to the endgame and won.
Over the weekend, my family and I went camping on Cape Cod. Spent good quality time with my sharpen my tactics book as well as Blokh's art of the combination book (of which ct-art is based). I especially like at the beginning of each chapter there is a group of approx 20 simplified problems (5X5 squares )for each theme.
I also picked up a copy of Chessmaster at any age by Rolf wentzel on ebay. I like it very much. My takeaway from the book is that most chessplayers (me included) waste opportunities to improve long term by not methodically studying over their games. He creates flashcards of positions that highlight mistakes he made during game situations and things he learned in study. Like De La Maza he created a way to help himself improve. After hitting a plateau at a rating of 1800, his program brought him to be a master at age 50.
Monday, I played a bunch of rated games when tired and quickly lost 80 rating points ..ouch. I have since gained most of that back.
As for Ct-art I have started highlighting specific tactical problems for review and I think this will help me in my next minicircle.
At 11:25 PM,
King of the Spill said…
That's great. Looks like your studying is paying off. Heh...I haven't won a close game against a really tough opponent like that in many months.
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