Takchess Chess Improvement

A Novice chessplayer works to get better at chess using an improvement program based upon the methods of Michael de la Maza and the teachings of Dan Heisman

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Pure Evil

This gambit is pure evil.....


Playing the giuoco this can really hurt you.


  • At 9:13 AM, Blogger bahus said…

    I didn't know this gambit had a real name. I've read about it from Graham Burgess's book and here is what he tells the readers:

    "This is apparently known as the 'Oh My God!' Trap since to have the full effect, Black is meant to make some such anguished comment to make White think he has simply blundered the e5-pawn. This is of course profoundly unethical, and I hope readers of this book do not try it."

    -- Graham Burgess
    The Mammoth Book of Chess


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