Level 20 problems subset for review
I have decided to do a short circle of Level 20 problems which I didn't solve completely. I am hoping this will bring my next circle score much higher.
,206,207,213,215,216,220,221,222,225,226,227,228,230,231, 232,235,
240,241,246 is cool position, 247,248,249,250,253,254,255,257,263,275,
278,279,282,288,289,290,291,264,265 brilliant,267,269,272,273,274,293,
320,321,324,325,327,332,334 ,335,336,340,341,345,346,347,348,349,350,352,355
esp 335, 356,361,365,367,370,371,375,376, 379,383,386,390,391,392,393,394.
,206,207,213,215,216,220,221,222,225,226,227,228,230,231, 232,235,
240,241,246 is cool position, 247,248,249,250,253,254,255,257,263,275,
278,279,282,288,289,290,291,264,265 brilliant,267,269,272,273,274,293,
320,321,324,325,327,332,334 ,335,336,340,341,345,346,347,348,349,350,352,355
esp 335, 356,361,365,367,370,371,375,376, 379,383,386,390,391,392,393,394.
At 5:25 PM,
Temposchlucker said…
Is this inspired by Rolf Wentzel?
At 4:25 AM,
takchess said…
An interesting question. It is in the spirit of Wentzels thinking but I think I would do this if I hadn't read his book. (I at this point have just skimmed the book and read a few chapters that I found applicable to me )
Rolf Wentzel book advocates for one to look for holes in one play and to drill to improve them. They may come from games that one plays studies of master games or tactical exercises. Alot of his flashcard are based the way he percieves a situation; ie not considering a queen swap and simplifying for endgame. Playing a check when one would of benefit from playing a quiet move. In almost all cases he has a position that is from a game, book,master game that reminds him of this situation on his flashcard.
I appear to have problems with a subset of problems not all of them. These may be based on my perceptions. By drilling directly on those that I continue to get wrong, I hope to make the maximum improvement based on the minimum amount of time. Note I have done all of the Level 20 problems 7 times.
I think I should be improving quicker given that I have done these 7 times. I will do the whole L20 problem set once I have completed the subset to test my methods.
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