Does the 7 circles work? You be the Judge !
The Last two games I played.
paste games into this viewer [Event "Rated game, 20m + 5s"]
[Site "Main Playing Hall"]
[Date "2006.09.21"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Bailarín"]
[Black "Takchess"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "C55"]
[WhiteElo "1771"]
[BlackElo "1436"]
[PlyCount "36"]
[EventDate "2006.09.21"]
[TimeControl "1200+5"]
1. e4 {4} e5 {2} 2. Nf3 {8} Nc6 {4} 3. Bc4 {3} Nf6 {4} 4. Nc3 {9} Nxe4 {12} 5.
Nxe4 {4} d5 {4} 6. Bb5 {10} dxe4 {5} 7. Nxe5 {3} Bd7 {15} 8. Nxd7 {5} Qxd7 {4}
9. O-O {1} a6 {18} 10. Ba4 {12} O-O-O {15} 11. Bxc6 {53} Qxc6 {9} 12. Re1 {5}
Bc5 {9} 13. Qg4+ {12} Kb8 {18} 14. Qxg7 {14} Rhg8 {7} 15. Qxh7 {3} e3 {4} 16.
g3 {42} exf2+ {4} 17. Kf1 {6} Qh1+ {5} 18. Ke2 {3} fxe1=Q# {
(Lag: Av=0.41s, max=0.8s) 7} 0-1
[Event "Rated game, 20m + 5s"]
[Site "Main Playing Hall"]
[Date "2006.09.21"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Takchess"]
[Black "Bailarín"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "C34"]
[WhiteElo "1467"]
[BlackElo "1739"]
[PlyCount "55"]
[EventDate "2006.09.21"]
[TimeControl "1200+5"]
1. e4 {5} e5 {1} 2. f4 {3} exf4 {3} 3. Nf3 {3} Nc6 {18} 4. Nc3 {17} d6 {16} 5.
d4 {6} Bg4 {4} 6. Bxf4 {6} Qf6 {14} 7. Nd5 {8} Qd8 {9} 8. Bc4 {18} Nf6 {5} 9.
O-O {22} Qd7 {43} 10. Nxf6+ {13} gxf6 {2} 11. Bb5 {38} a6 {22} 12. Bxc6 {19}
Qxc6 {2} 13. d5 {16} Qc4 {33} 14. Re1 {13} Bxf3 {31} 15. Qxf3 {10} Qxc2 {2} 16.
Rac1 {6} Qxb2 {5} 17. Rxc7 {4} Be7 {9} 18. Bh6 {42} Qb6+ {5} 19. Be3 {38} Qxc7
{2} 20. e5 {6} fxe5 {14} 21. Rf1 {9} f6 {23} 22. Qh5+ {6} Kd7 {26} 23. Qf7 {20}
Raf8 {11} 24. Qe6+ {18} Kd8 {1} 25. Rb1 {8} f5 {21} 26. Bb6 {5} Rf6 {14} 27.
Bxc7+ {11} Kxc7 {1} 28. Qxe7+ {Bailarín rinde (Lag: Av=0.35s, max=0.6s) 4} 1-0
another part of a circle tonight up to 747
early sat morning -772
second sat morning shift =800
sat did 1st deck of 5X5 flashcards
paste games into this viewer [Event "Rated game, 20m + 5s"]
[Site "Main Playing Hall"]
[Date "2006.09.21"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Bailarín"]
[Black "Takchess"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "C55"]
[WhiteElo "1771"]
[BlackElo "1436"]
[PlyCount "36"]
[EventDate "2006.09.21"]
[TimeControl "1200+5"]
1. e4 {4} e5 {2} 2. Nf3 {8} Nc6 {4} 3. Bc4 {3} Nf6 {4} 4. Nc3 {9} Nxe4 {12} 5.
Nxe4 {4} d5 {4} 6. Bb5 {10} dxe4 {5} 7. Nxe5 {3} Bd7 {15} 8. Nxd7 {5} Qxd7 {4}
9. O-O {1} a6 {18} 10. Ba4 {12} O-O-O {15} 11. Bxc6 {53} Qxc6 {9} 12. Re1 {5}
Bc5 {9} 13. Qg4+ {12} Kb8 {18} 14. Qxg7 {14} Rhg8 {7} 15. Qxh7 {3} e3 {4} 16.
g3 {42} exf2+ {4} 17. Kf1 {6} Qh1+ {5} 18. Ke2 {3} fxe1=Q# {
(Lag: Av=0.41s, max=0.8s) 7} 0-1
[Event "Rated game, 20m + 5s"]
[Site "Main Playing Hall"]
[Date "2006.09.21"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Takchess"]
[Black "Bailarín"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "C34"]
[WhiteElo "1467"]
[BlackElo "1739"]
[PlyCount "55"]
[EventDate "2006.09.21"]
[TimeControl "1200+5"]
1. e4 {5} e5 {1} 2. f4 {3} exf4 {3} 3. Nf3 {3} Nc6 {18} 4. Nc3 {17} d6 {16} 5.
d4 {6} Bg4 {4} 6. Bxf4 {6} Qf6 {14} 7. Nd5 {8} Qd8 {9} 8. Bc4 {18} Nf6 {5} 9.
O-O {22} Qd7 {43} 10. Nxf6+ {13} gxf6 {2} 11. Bb5 {38} a6 {22} 12. Bxc6 {19}
Qxc6 {2} 13. d5 {16} Qc4 {33} 14. Re1 {13} Bxf3 {31} 15. Qxf3 {10} Qxc2 {2} 16.
Rac1 {6} Qxb2 {5} 17. Rxc7 {4} Be7 {9} 18. Bh6 {42} Qb6+ {5} 19. Be3 {38} Qxc7
{2} 20. e5 {6} fxe5 {14} 21. Rf1 {9} f6 {23} 22. Qh5+ {6} Kd7 {26} 23. Qf7 {20}
Raf8 {11} 24. Qe6+ {18} Kd8 {1} 25. Rb1 {8} f5 {21} 26. Bb6 {5} Rf6 {14} 27.
Bxc7+ {11} Kxc7 {1} 28. Qxe7+ {Bailarín rinde (Lag: Av=0.35s, max=0.6s) 4} 1-0
another part of a circle tonight up to 747
early sat morning -772
second sat morning shift =800
sat did 1st deck of 5X5 flashcards
At 9:34 PM,
Blue Devil Knight said…
Nice games!
At 12:37 AM,
Temposchlucker said…
That are some impressive scalps! What you can see is that they are both not attacking players. Otherwise they would never have grabbed the pawns that opened the lines for your rooks against their Kings. (First game Qxg7?! second game Qxc2?!)
At 4:33 AM,
takchess said…
It is surprising how many times players better rated than me take a poisoned pawn. Both game are against the same player. I felt that his opening as white was suspect I equalized after the fork trick.
As for the second game, I took a poisoned pawn as well losing my rook. He had an easy win if he traded off his queen when my queen was in that crowded space. I played hope chess playing for a big advantage and it worked out. I like in the KG how often these opportunities present themselves.
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