
Updated notes added after Fritz analysis: As suspected, I had tactical opportunities to take material here and win the game. I will give you the move numbers and take a look at what black should of played!
There is a better move at Blacks nineth move, at move 15 I could of simplified,move 21 I could of won material, and at move 27 I lost it when I should of played a move that equalized. Most of this game I stayed even.
As suspected careful play and more tactical training should deliver more of these games as wins even against stronger players.
Sometimes these 2 Knights games get too darn complex.It felt as though I might of had a win here but we will have to see what fritz says. I hope after some serious tactical training I will know what to do here.
Paste the game below into this link.
[Event "Rated game, 35m + 5s"]
[Site "Main Playing Hall"]
[Date "2006.10.28"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Capanegra"]
[Black "Takchess"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "C55"]
[WhiteElo "1825"]
[BlackElo "1511"]
[PlyCount "101"]
[EventDate "2006.10.28"]
[TimeControl "2100+5"]
1. e4 {2} e5 {2} 2. Nf3 {3} Nc6 {2} 3. Bc4 {3} Nf6 {2} 4. O-O {15} Nxe4 {9} 5.
Re1 {22} d5 {3} 6. Bb5 {20} Bc5 {5} 7. d4 {14} exd4 {14} 8. Nxd4 {6} O-O {11}
9. Bxc6 {16} bxc6 {5} 10. Be3 {48} Qf6 {33} 11. c3 {58} Re8 {29} 12. Nd2 {15}
Bf5 {30} 13. Qf3 {49} Nxd2 {12} 14. Bxd2 {19} Bxd4 {33} 15. cxd4 {17} Qg6 {42}
16. Bf4 {75} Be4 {9} 17. Qg3 {12} Qf5 {30} 18. Re3 {27} Re6 {9} 19. Rae1 {8}
Rg6 {5} 20. Qh4 {93} Rxg2+ {23} 21. Kf1 {49} Rg6 {87} 22. f3 {44} Bd3+ {12} 23.
Kf2 {2} f6 {39} 24. Bxc7 {213} Rh6 {21} 25. Qg3 {19} Rg6 {45} 26. Qd6 {27} Be4
{19} 27. Qxc6 {52} Qc8 {75} 28. fxe4 {42} Qg4 {30} 29. Qxd5+ {15} Kf8 {16} 30.
Qxa8+ {41} Kf7 {5} 31. Qd5+ {16} Qe6 {5} 32. Qxe6+ {7} Kxe6 {3} 33. Bg3 {10} h5
{6} 34. d5+ {11} Ke7 {4} 35. e5 {6} f5 {2} 36. d6+ {6} Ke6 {2} 37. Rd1 {39} f4
{4} 38. Bxf4 {2} Rf6 {1} 39. Kg3 {21} h4+ {7} 40. Kg4 {6} a5 {3} 41. exf6+ {6}
Kf7 {8} 42. fxg7 {3} a4 {7} 43. d7 {5} a3 {2} 44. bxa3 {11} h3 {2} 45. Rxh3 {11
} Kf6 {8} 46. d8=Q+ {5} Ke6 {7} 47. Qd6+ {5} Kf7 {10} 48. g8=Q+ {9} Kxg8 {6}
49. Qg6+ {5} Kf8 {7} 50. Rh8+ {5} Ke7 {5} 51. Bg5# {
(Lag: Av=0.33s, max=0.8s) 10} 1-0
lasker game with same early play
At 3:22 AM,
Anonymous said…
Before you start up your Fritz, try to work your way through the tactics. I would start with 13... Bxd4. White has to take back with 14. cxd4 (14. Bxd4 is refuted tactically, but it is not that simple), which leaves black with a strong knight on e4. I would probably continue with Qg6 and if white takes on e4, maybe take back with the rook?
At 7:46 AM,
takchess said…
Fritz analysis of game
[Event "Rated game, 35m + 5s"]
[Site "Main Playing Hall"]
[Date "2006.10.28"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Capanegra"]
[Black "Takchess"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "C55"]
[WhiteElo "1825"]
[BlackElo "1511"]
[Annotator "Fritz 9 (66s)"]
[PlyCount "101"]
[EventDate "2006.10.31"]
[TimeControl "2100+5"]
{C55: Two Knights: 4 d3, 4 d4 exd4 5 e5 and Max Lange Attack} 1. e4 {2} e5 {2}
2. Nf3 {3} Nc6 {2} 3. Bc4 {3} Nf6 {2} 4. O-O {15} Nxe4 {9} 5. Re1 {22} d5 {3}
6. Bb5 {20} Bc5 {5} 7. d4 {14} exd4 {14} 8. Nxd4 {6} (8. Nbd2 O-O 9. Nxe4 dxe4
10. Bxc6 exf3 11. Bxf3 Bd6 12. Qd3 c5 13. c3 dxc3 14. Qxc3 Qc7 15. Be3 Be6 16.
g3 Rac8 17. Rac1 b6 18. Qa3 a5 19. Qa4 Bd7 20. Qh4 Bc6 21. Bg4 f5 22. Be2 Kh8 {
Brkic,Z (2057)-Krstic,U (2356)/Bosnjaci 2002/CBM 086 ext/0-1 (41)}) 8... O-O {
11} (8... Bxd4 9. Qxd4 O-O 10. Bxc6 bxc6 11. Nc3 Bf5 12. b3 Re8 13. Bb2 Qg5 14.
Re3 Nxc3 15. Rxe8+ Rxe8 16. Qxc3 Be4 17. f3 Bf5 18. Qxc6 Qe3+ 19. Kf1 Qe2+ 20.
Kg1 Bxc2 21. h3 h6 22. Qc3 f6 23. Qc6 {
Espinosa Mari,J (1804)-Folch Zaragoza,J (1925)/Silla 2003/CBM 097 ext/0-1 (66)}
) 9. Bxc6 $146 {16} (9. Be3 Nxd4 10. Bxd4 Bxd4 11. Qxd4 Qf6 12. Qxf6 Nxf6 13.
Nd2 Bf5 14. Re7 Rfc8 15. Nf3 Be6 16. Nd4 Kf8 17. Nxe6+ Kxe7 18. Nxg7 Ne4 19. f3
Nd6 20. Bd3 Kf6 21. Nh5+ Kg5 22. g4 c5 23. c3 Rd8 {
Schmid,H-Held,P (2255)/Wuerttemberg 1995/GER/0-1 (49)}) (9. Be3 Nxd4 10. Bxd4
Nxf2 $19) 9... bxc6 {5} (9... Nxf2 $142 {and Black can celebrate victory} 10.
Qd2 (10. Kxf2 {0} Qf6+ {22} 11. Qf3 {9} Bxd4+ {2} 12. Be3 {1} Qxf3+ {2} 13.
Kxf3 {1} Bxb2 {1} 14. Bxb7 {1} Bxb7 {2} 15. Nc3 {3} d4+ {1} 16. Kf4 {1} dxe3 {2
}) 10... Ne4 $19) 10. Be3 {48} Qf6 {33} 11. c3 {58} Re8 {29} 12. Nd2 {15} Bf5 {
30} (12... Bd7 13. N2b3 Bb6 14. Qh5 $19) 13. Qf3 {49} Nxd2 {12} 14. Bxd2 {19}
Bxd4 {33} 15. cxd4 {17} Qg6 {42} (15... Qxd4 $142 $5 16. Bc3 Qg4 17. Qxg4 Bxg4
18. Rxe8+ Rxe8 $17) 16. Bf4 $15 {White threatens to win material: Bf4xc7 75}
Be4 {9} 17. Qg3 {12} Qf5 {30} 18. Re3 {27} (18. Bxc7 Qf6 19. Be5 Qg6 $14) 18...
Re6 {9} (18... c5 $142 19. dxc5 d4 $17) 19. Rae1 $4 {
White is ruining his position 8} (19. f3 $142 {would save the game} Bd3 20.
Rxe6 Qxe6 21. Re1 $14) 19... Rg6 $19 {5} 20. Qh4 $4 {
shortens the misery for White 93} (20. Qf3 Rf8 21. Rxe4 dxe4 22. Qe3 $19) 20...
Rxg2+ {23} 21. Kf1 {49} Rg6 {87} (21... Rg4 $142 {
and the rest is a matter of technique} 22. Qe7 Rxf4 $19) 22. f3 {44} Bd3+ {12}
23. Kf2 {2} f6 {39} 24. Bxc7 {213} Rh6 $4 {
with this move Black loses his initiative 21} (24... Bc4 $142 {
and Black could have gained the advantage} 25. Rc1 Bxa2 $17) 25. Qg3 {19} Rg6 {
Black threatens to win material: Rg6xg3 45} 26. Qd6 {27} Be4 {19} 27. Qxc6 {52}
Qc8 $4 {throws away a nice position 75} (27... Rc8 $142 $15 {
this is the best bet to save the position}) 28. fxe4 $18 {42} Qg4 {30} (28...
Rg4 {praying for a miracle} 29. exd5 Qf5+ 30. Rf3 Qc8 $18) 29. Qxd5+ {15} Kf8 {
16} 30. Qxa8+ {41} (30. Bd6+ Ke8 31. Qg8+ Kd7 32. Qf7+ Kxd6 33. e5+ fxe5 34.
dxe5+ Kc6 35. Rc1+ Kb5 36. Qd5+ Kb6 37. Rb3+ Qb4 38. Rxb4+ Ka6 39. Qb5#) 30...
Kf7 {5} 31. Qd5+ {16} Qe6 {5} 32. Qxe6+ {7} Kxe6 {3} 33. Bg3 {10} (33. Ra3 {
seems even better} a5 34. Rxa5 Kd7 $18) 33... h5 {6} 34. d5+ {11} Ke7 {4} 35.
e5 {6} f5 {2} 36. d6+ {6} Ke6 {2} 37. Rd1 {39} f4 {4} 38. Bxf4 {2} Rf6 {1} (
38... Kf5 {doesn't change anything anymore} 39. d7 Rb6 40. d8=Q Rxb2+ 41. Kf3
Rf2+ 42. Kxf2 a5 43. Qf8+ Kg4 44. Rg1+ Kh4 45. Bg5#) 39. Kg3 {21} (39. exf6+
Kf7 40. d7 g5 41. d8=Q gxf4 42. Qe7+ Kg6 43. Rg1+ Kf5 44. Re5#) 39... h4+ {7}
40. Kg4 {6} a5 {3} (40... Rf8 {does not win a prize} 41. d7 Rh8 42. Rd6+ Kf7
43. e6+ Ke7 44. Rd5 Rd8 45. Bg5+ Kf8 46. e7+ Kg8 47. exd8=Q+ Kh7 48. Qe8 a6 49.
Qh5+ Kg8 50. d8=Q#) 41. exf6+ {6} Kf7 {8} (41... Kxf6 {
cannot undo what has already been done} 42. d7 Kg6 43. Rd6+ Kh7 44. Re7 Kh8 45.
d8=Q+ Kh7 46. Rh6#) 42. fxg7 {3} a4 {7} (42... Kg8 {doesn't do any good} 43.
Re8+ Kxg7 44. d7 h3 45. Re7+ Kf6 46. Bg5+ Kg6 47. Rd6#) 43. d7 {5} a3 {2} (
43... h3 {is not the saving move} 44. Re7+ $1 {Mate attack} Kg6 45. g8=Q+ Kf6
46. Qg5#) 44. bxa3 {11} (44. Re7+ Kg6 45. g8=Q+ Kf6 46. Qg5#) 44... h3 {2} (
44... Kxg7 {doesn't get the cat off the tree} 45. Re7+ Kf6 46. Bg5+ Kg6 47.
Rd6#) 45. Rxh3 {11} (45. Re7+ Kg6 46. g8=Q+ Kf6 47. Qg5#) 45... Kf6 {8} (45...
Kxg7 {is not much help} 46. d8=Q Kg6 47. Rh6+ Kf7 48. Rd7#) 46. d8=Q+ {5} Ke6 {
7} (46... Kxg7 {hardly improves anything} 47. Rd7+ Kg6 48. Qg5#) 47. Qd6+ {5} (
47. g8=Q#) 47... Kf7 {10} 48. g8=Q+ $1 {Mate attack. 9} Kxg8 {6} (48... Kxg8
49. Qg6+ {Mate attack}) (48... -- 49. -- {Mate attack}) 49. Qg6+ {5} Kf8 {7}
50. Rh8+ {5} (50. Bd6#) 50... Ke7 {5} 51. Bg5# {(Lag: Av=0.33s, max=0.8s) 10}
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