Takchess Chess Improvement

A Novice chessplayer works to get better at chess using an improvement program based upon the methods of Michael de la Maza and the teachings of Dan Heisman

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Mc8l20 210-229 84%

Finding that blocks of twenty seem to be manageable for a problem set and review the ones I did not get correct. My methods are based on the idea that doing the problem correctly at least once are more beneficial than just seeing the answer.



redid the subset 221&222 were not correct. redid these two and solve correctly.


  • At 11:24 AM, Blogger Sancho Pawnza said…

    If you could, please explain what the title and header represent in your training exercises. I know it's a formula for tracking your progress. I was just wondering what course material you were working through etc.


    Btw I graduated :)

  • At 12:19 PM, Blogger Temposchlucker said…

    Let's have an educated guess:
    mc8l20 210-229 84%=
    minicircle 8, level 20 problem 210-229 score 84%
    Since there is a level 20 in it, it seems to be ct-art.

  • At 4:47 PM, Blogger Sancho Pawnza said…

    Tempo it was the MC that was throwing me.
    MC = Mini Circle
    I assumed the rest, as in l=level, and the block of problems with the scoring percentage.
    I guess I will good ahead and assume that 217-13 is that he got 13/20 of the possible points.

    I read your July 6th post. Thanks!!

  • At 5:07 PM, Blogger takchess said…

    Hi Sancho,
    Tempo is correct. Course material Ct-art Level by level currently on level 20. Will move to level 30 once I score over 90%. MC= minicircle which I define as a Level. L20 indicates level 20. I also have singled out subsets of the Level. Those problems I have not scored 100% on. I'm trying to redo these problems soon after I get them wrong. At this point I am
    doing 20 problems at a time and then correcting my mistakes. I do feel I am finally moving ahead with this set and will start L30 soon. I'll graduate you to the proper place on my links. Also nice to see the update of Tempo and M. as they enjoy their chess holiday.

  • At 5:10 PM, Blogger takchess said…

    you are correct in the 229-8 = problem 229 with 8 out of 20 points.


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