About Me
- Name: takchess
- Location: New Hampshire, new england, United States
There exists an extremely large group of chess players who are no longer beginners nor, on the other hand, masters or point hunters, but players who aim primarily at deriving an aesthetic satisfaction from the game. For such players an attacking game is more attractive than positional technique and they will continue to attack regardless of risk., for their stormy contest are not going to be noted down in theoretical textbooks. From the introduction to Art of Attack in Chess :Vukovic
At 2:37 PM,
CelticDeath said…
#522: 1. Ng6+ Bxf5 2. Qxf5+ followed by 3. Qxh8+
#521: 1. Bg8 Kxg8 (Qxh7# was threatened) 2. Qf7+ Kh8 3. Qxf8+ Qxf8 4. Rxf8#
At 4:43 PM,
takchess said…
on 522 what if 1) Ng8+ kd8 ?
good call on 521!
At 6:46 PM,
CelticDeath said…
Takchess, I think after 1. Ng8+, it would be Kf8 and now rook, knight, and queen are under attack.
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