Halloween Gambit
Playing around with my new toy the Halloween gambit. Felt I had a strong attack but it disipated ......perhaps with practice.
1. e4 {3} e5 {5} 2. Nf3 {2} Nc6 {4} 3. Nc3 {4} Nf6 {4} 4. Nxe5 {2} Nxe5 {37} 5.
d4 {3} Ng6 {59} 6. e5 {44} Ng8 {21} 7. Bc4 {11} d6 {54} 8. Qf3 {20} Be6 {25} 9.
d5 {19} Bd7 {26} 10. e6 {11} fxe6 {29} 11. dxe6 {3} Bxe6 {44} 12. Bxe6 {27} Ne5
{56} 13. Qg3 {177} Qe7 {31} 14. Nd5 {28} Qd8 {117} 15. Bg5 {64} Nf6 {4} 16.
Nxf6+ {115} gxf6 {3} 17. Qh3 {66} fxg5 {24} 18. Qh5+ {3} Ng6 {12} 19. O-O-O {10
} Qf6 {46} 20. Rhe1 {8} Kd8 {32} 21. Qe2 {38} Bg7 {28} 22. c3 {17} Nf4 {36} 23.
Qe3 {85} Qxe6 {9} 24. Qxe6 {9} Nxe6 {2} 25. Rxe6 {1} Kd7 {7} 26. Re4 {21} Rhe8
{6} 27. f3 {4} Rxe4 {4} 28. fxe4 {3} Re8 {2} 29. h3 {9} Rxe4 {
Takchess resigns (Lag: Av=0.26s, max=0.4s) 10} 0-1
What a chessville article said how to deal with 8...be6
In this case White can safely take the b7 pawn 9.Qxb7 Bxc4? [ On 9. .. N8e7 White can play 10.Nb5 Rc8 11.d5 Nxe5 12.dxe6 Nxc4 13.Nxa7 Rb8 14.Qa6 Nxb2 15.Nc6 Nxc6 16.Qxc6+ Ke7 17.0-0 Rb6 18.Qf3 f6 “with long term compensation“ (M. Wind) ] 10.Qc6+ Ke7 11.exd6+ cxd6 12.Qxc4 Brause(2520)-godel(2250),ICC,1998,1-0(20)
1. e4 {3} e5 {5} 2. Nf3 {2} Nc6 {4} 3. Nc3 {4} Nf6 {4} 4. Nxe5 {2} Nxe5 {37} 5.
d4 {3} Ng6 {59} 6. e5 {44} Ng8 {21} 7. Bc4 {11} d6 {54} 8. Qf3 {20} Be6 {25} 9.
d5 {19} Bd7 {26} 10. e6 {11} fxe6 {29} 11. dxe6 {3} Bxe6 {44} 12. Bxe6 {27} Ne5
{56} 13. Qg3 {177} Qe7 {31} 14. Nd5 {28} Qd8 {117} 15. Bg5 {64} Nf6 {4} 16.
Nxf6+ {115} gxf6 {3} 17. Qh3 {66} fxg5 {24} 18. Qh5+ {3} Ng6 {12} 19. O-O-O {10
} Qf6 {46} 20. Rhe1 {8} Kd8 {32} 21. Qe2 {38} Bg7 {28} 22. c3 {17} Nf4 {36} 23.
Qe3 {85} Qxe6 {9} 24. Qxe6 {9} Nxe6 {2} 25. Rxe6 {1} Kd7 {7} 26. Re4 {21} Rhe8
{6} 27. f3 {4} Rxe4 {4} 28. fxe4 {3} Re8 {2} 29. h3 {9} Rxe4 {
Takchess resigns (Lag: Av=0.26s, max=0.4s) 10} 0-1
What a chessville article said how to deal with 8...be6
In this case White can safely take the b7 pawn 9.Qxb7 Bxc4? [ On 9. .. N8e7 White can play 10.Nb5 Rc8 11.d5 Nxe5 12.dxe6 Nxc4 13.Nxa7 Rb8 14.Qa6 Nxb2 15.Nc6 Nxc6 16.Qxc6+ Ke7 17.0-0 Rb6 18.Qf3 f6 “with long term compensation“ (M. Wind) ] 10.Qc6+ Ke7 11.exd6+ cxd6 12.Qxc4 Brause(2520)-godel(2250),ICC,1998,1-0(20)
At 7:05 PM,
Edwin 'dutchdefence' Meyer said…
Practice makes perfect ;-)
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