Tactics or Positional ? Semantics?
I was quite pleased with this game against an 1800 ish player
Happy with the gain and time and space early on due to a few appropriate pawn pushes. Although there is no early gain in material I always think of these manuvers as tactical. I've been ready the recent blogs on space and have been thinking of the concept of late. I really like my play in this game however Fritz often brings me back to earth. I was very pleased with the ending although untill the silly knight move he made I think he had a winning position. I clearly saw the mating net 8)
paste game here
[Event "Rated game, 20m + 6s"]
[White "Khagga"]
[Black "Takchess"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "D00"]
[WhiteElo "1864"]
[BlackElo "1620"]
1. d4 {2} d5 {4} 2. Nc3 {2} e6 {4} 3. a3 {2} c5 {4} 4. h3 {8} Nf6 {3} 5. Bf4 {
18} cxd4 {19} 6. Qxd4 {4} Nc6 {3} 7. Qd1 {5} d4 {10} 8. Na2 {21} e5 {4} 9. Bh2
{8} Bc5 {74} 10. c3 {10} O-O {12} 11. Nf3 {13} Qe7 {27} 12. cxd4 {42} Nxd4 {10}
13. Nxd4 {15} Rd8 {10} 14. Qc2 {45} Bxd4 {27} 15. e3 {11} Bb6 {34} 16. Be2 {26}
Be6 {42} 17. Nc3 {12} Rac8 {19} 18. O-O {10} Nd5 {20} 19. Bxe5 {32} Bxe3 {39}
20. fxe3 {55} Nxe3 {4} 21. Qe4 {17} Nxf1 {43} 22. Rxf1 {26} f6 {19} 23. Bg3 {16
} Re8 {118} 24. Bd3 {27} f5 {24} 25. Qe3 {35} Bd7 {31} 26. Qxe7 {29} Rxe7 {5}
27. Bxf5 {12} Bxf5 {7} 28. Rxf5 {3} Rf7 {15} 29. Re5 {33} Rcf8 {6} 30. Ne4 {22}
Rf1+ {13} 31. Kh2 {3} Rb1 {5} 32. Rb5 {10} b6 {6} 33. Nd6 {25} h6 {16} 34. Be5
{37} Rd1 {16} 35. Nc4 {25} Rff1 {27} 36. Kg3 {18} Rd3+ {18} 37. Kh2 {12} Rdd1 {
8} 38. Nxb6 {31} h5 {10} 39. Nc4 {9} h4 {5} 40. g4 {23} Rf2# {
(Lag: Av=1.06s, max=2.1s) 25} 0-1
I am also interested in this potential sacrifice made by Bronstein in the 2 knights.Giving up a knight for a time and space advantage not to reclaim the advantage for many moves.
Happy with the gain and time and space early on due to a few appropriate pawn pushes. Although there is no early gain in material I always think of these manuvers as tactical. I've been ready the recent blogs on space and have been thinking of the concept of late. I really like my play in this game however Fritz often brings me back to earth. I was very pleased with the ending although untill the silly knight move he made I think he had a winning position. I clearly saw the mating net 8)
paste game here
[Event "Rated game, 20m + 6s"]
[White "Khagga"]
[Black "Takchess"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "D00"]
[WhiteElo "1864"]
[BlackElo "1620"]
1. d4 {2} d5 {4} 2. Nc3 {2} e6 {4} 3. a3 {2} c5 {4} 4. h3 {8} Nf6 {3} 5. Bf4 {
18} cxd4 {19} 6. Qxd4 {4} Nc6 {3} 7. Qd1 {5} d4 {10} 8. Na2 {21} e5 {4} 9. Bh2
{8} Bc5 {74} 10. c3 {10} O-O {12} 11. Nf3 {13} Qe7 {27} 12. cxd4 {42} Nxd4 {10}
13. Nxd4 {15} Rd8 {10} 14. Qc2 {45} Bxd4 {27} 15. e3 {11} Bb6 {34} 16. Be2 {26}
Be6 {42} 17. Nc3 {12} Rac8 {19} 18. O-O {10} Nd5 {20} 19. Bxe5 {32} Bxe3 {39}
20. fxe3 {55} Nxe3 {4} 21. Qe4 {17} Nxf1 {43} 22. Rxf1 {26} f6 {19} 23. Bg3 {16
} Re8 {118} 24. Bd3 {27} f5 {24} 25. Qe3 {35} Bd7 {31} 26. Qxe7 {29} Rxe7 {5}
27. Bxf5 {12} Bxf5 {7} 28. Rxf5 {3} Rf7 {15} 29. Re5 {33} Rcf8 {6} 30. Ne4 {22}
Rf1+ {13} 31. Kh2 {3} Rb1 {5} 32. Rb5 {10} b6 {6} 33. Nd6 {25} h6 {16} 34. Be5
{37} Rd1 {16} 35. Nc4 {25} Rff1 {27} 36. Kg3 {18} Rd3+ {18} 37. Kh2 {12} Rdd1 {
8} 38. Nxb6 {31} h5 {10} 39. Nc4 {9} h4 {5} 40. g4 {23} Rf2# {
(Lag: Av=1.06s, max=2.1s) 25} 0-1
I am also interested in this potential sacrifice made by Bronstein in the 2 knights.Giving up a knight for a time and space advantage not to reclaim the advantage for many moves.
At 6:34 PM,
Anonymous said…
the bronstein game is really interesting. he sacrificed a piece for a large center and just rolled over the enemy (I think black was happy when he gained that piece =>)
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