Takchess Chess Improvement

A Novice chessplayer works to get better at chess using an improvement program based upon the methods of Michael de la Maza and the teachings of Dan Heisman

Friday, July 27, 2007

Can you find Whites Killer Sacrifice here ?

I thought this was an interesting game. I have identified the Major Piece endings as an area where I can gain some points with study. I won this game as white on time. At the time I thought it would play out to a draw but I now believe that it is a black win with his king once he gets to h2.

I missed a killer sacrifice that would of won the game. Can you find it?

cut and paste game into pgn viewer on the sidebar

1. e4 {3} c5 {4} 2. Nf3 {2} Nc6 {1} 3. Nc3 {2} e6 {8} 4. Bb5 {12} Nd4 {18} 5.
Nxd4 {30} cxd4 {3} 6. Ne2 {8} e5 {10} 7. O-O {12} Nf6 {13} 8. Ng3 {17} a6 {24}
9. Bc4 {8} b5 {12} 10. Bb3 {16} Bb7 {3} 11. d3 {8} a5 {33} 12. a3 {5} Be7 {19}
13. Bg5 {29} O-O {3} 14. Bxf6 {38} Bxf6 {3} 15. Nf5 {7} d5 {83} 16. f4 {16}
dxe4 {57} 17. fxe5 {15} Bxe5 {13} 18. Qg4 {27} e3 {59} 19. Nh6+ {29} Kh8 {13}
20. Nxf7+ {5} Rxf7 {17} 21. Rxf7 {6} Bd5 {35} 22. Raf1 {39} Bxf7 {21} 23. Rxf7
{150} Bf6 {50} 24. Rd7 {47} Qb8 {94} 25. Bd5 {14} Ra6 {109} 26. Be4 {
8} Qe5 {333} 27. Ra7 {108} Re6 {67} 28. Ra6 {
16} Re8 {17} 29. Qh3 {. 101} h6 {17} 30. Qg3 {39} Qxg3 {12} 31. hxg3 {3} b4 {33
} 32. a4 {13} Rc8 {3} 33. Rc6 {9} Rxc6 {3} 34. Bxc6 {3} g5 {1} 35. Kf1 {9} Kg7
{1} 36. Ke2 {2} Be5 {1} 37. b3 {16} h5 {1} 38. Bf3 {5} Bxg3 {1} 39. Bxh5 {5}
Kf6 {1} 40. Bf3 {4} Ke5 {1} 41. Bg4 {17} Kf4 {0} 42. Bf3 {20} Bf2 {0} 43. Ba8 {
5} Kg3 {1} 44. Be4 {Zaman ' 10} 1-0

The answer is in my comments, Hint it is somewhere between move 25-30


  • At 3:53 AM, Blogger takchess said…

    3518: Takchess - Bosi, Rated game, 20m + 0s 2007
    7k/3R2pp/r4b2/pp2q3/3pB1Q1/P2Pp3/1PP3PP/6K1 w - - 0 1

    Analysis by Fritz 10:

    1. +- (#11): 27.Rxg7 Qg5 28.Rxh7+ Kg8 29.Qd7 Qg7 30.Qe8+ Qf8 31.Qg6+ Qg7 32.Bd5+
    2. +- (12.48): 27.Ra7 Qe8 28.Rxa6 Bd8 29.Ra8 e2 30.Qxe2 Qf8 31.Qh5

  • At 11:47 AM, Blogger Loomis said…

    I thought there might have been something on the back rank, but I didn't find a better clearance for the rook than Ra7. Rxg7 was a real gem.

    What about 22. Rd7 instead of Raf1. Doesn't this win the bishop on d5?

  • At 7:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    It looks like you missed 22. Rd7 as loomis pointed out, but I think the shot you refer to is 28. Qxe6 (insted of 22. Ra6) which wins the Rook or mates.

  • At 12:15 PM, Blogger BlunderProne said…

    After 18...Bd5 why not simply 19 Bxd5? Then if he recaptures with the queen, Rdf8+. then after the rook exchange, and his queen defending at Qg8, You simply take the queen. Or am I missing something?

  • At 12:19 PM, Blogger BlunderProne said…

    MAke that move 21... Bd5 22. Bxd5

  • At 12:20 PM, Blogger BlunderProne said…

    never mind... I see the other rook was gone... this won't work... D'oh.

    I am an idiot.

  • At 6:00 PM, Blogger BlunderProne said…


    About your offer.... I started a new job recently and it would be difficult to take a weekday off for me... however.... I work in andover...not far from the boarder. I *could* take an extended lunch... or even bring sign you in for a lunch time game.

    PS. Thursdays over the summer is grill day at the cafeteria... steak tips, burgers, chicken etc... nice shady spots outside... nudge nudge.

  • At 4:17 PM, Blogger takchess said…

    Hi BP,
    I can make Andover at some point. Are you in Academia still?

  • At 4:17 PM, Blogger takchess said…

    Hi BP,
    I can make Andover at some point. Are you in Academia still?

  • At 8:10 PM, Blogger BlunderProne said…

    Acadamia still??

    Surely you have me mistaken for someone else.

    I am an RF engineer... I work at Philips Medical now. I used to be with Intel for several years.


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