Can you find Whites Killer Sacrifice here ?
I thought this was an interesting game. I have identified the Major Piece endings as an area where I can gain some points with study. I won this game as white on time. At the time I thought it would play out to a draw but I now believe that it is a black win with his king once he gets to h2.
I missed a killer sacrifice that would of won the game. Can you find it?
cut and paste game into pgn viewer on the sidebar
1. e4 {3} c5 {4} 2. Nf3 {2} Nc6 {1} 3. Nc3 {2} e6 {8} 4. Bb5 {12} Nd4 {18} 5.
Nxd4 {30} cxd4 {3} 6. Ne2 {8} e5 {10} 7. O-O {12} Nf6 {13} 8. Ng3 {17} a6 {24}
9. Bc4 {8} b5 {12} 10. Bb3 {16} Bb7 {3} 11. d3 {8} a5 {33} 12. a3 {5} Be7 {19}
13. Bg5 {29} O-O {3} 14. Bxf6 {38} Bxf6 {3} 15. Nf5 {7} d5 {83} 16. f4 {16}
dxe4 {57} 17. fxe5 {15} Bxe5 {13} 18. Qg4 {27} e3 {59} 19. Nh6+ {29} Kh8 {13}
20. Nxf7+ {5} Rxf7 {17} 21. Rxf7 {6} Bd5 {35} 22. Raf1 {39} Bxf7 {21} 23. Rxf7
{150} Bf6 {50} 24. Rd7 {47} Qb8 {94} 25. Bd5 {14} Ra6 {109} 26. Be4 {
8} Qe5 {333} 27. Ra7 {108} Re6 {67} 28. Ra6 {
16} Re8 {17} 29. Qh3 {. 101} h6 {17} 30. Qg3 {39} Qxg3 {12} 31. hxg3 {3} b4 {33
} 32. a4 {13} Rc8 {3} 33. Rc6 {9} Rxc6 {3} 34. Bxc6 {3} g5 {1} 35. Kf1 {9} Kg7
{1} 36. Ke2 {2} Be5 {1} 37. b3 {16} h5 {1} 38. Bf3 {5} Bxg3 {1} 39. Bxh5 {5}
Kf6 {1} 40. Bf3 {4} Ke5 {1} 41. Bg4 {17} Kf4 {0} 42. Bf3 {20} Bf2 {0} 43. Ba8 {
5} Kg3 {1} 44. Be4 {Zaman ' 10} 1-0
The answer is in my comments, Hint it is somewhere between move 25-30
I missed a killer sacrifice that would of won the game. Can you find it?
cut and paste game into pgn viewer on the sidebar
1. e4 {3} c5 {4} 2. Nf3 {2} Nc6 {1} 3. Nc3 {2} e6 {8} 4. Bb5 {12} Nd4 {18} 5.
Nxd4 {30} cxd4 {3} 6. Ne2 {8} e5 {10} 7. O-O {12} Nf6 {13} 8. Ng3 {17} a6 {24}
9. Bc4 {8} b5 {12} 10. Bb3 {16} Bb7 {3} 11. d3 {8} a5 {33} 12. a3 {5} Be7 {19}
13. Bg5 {29} O-O {3} 14. Bxf6 {38} Bxf6 {3} 15. Nf5 {7} d5 {83} 16. f4 {16}
dxe4 {57} 17. fxe5 {15} Bxe5 {13} 18. Qg4 {27} e3 {59} 19. Nh6+ {29} Kh8 {13}
20. Nxf7+ {5} Rxf7 {17} 21. Rxf7 {6} Bd5 {35} 22. Raf1 {39} Bxf7 {21} 23. Rxf7
{150} Bf6 {50} 24. Rd7 {47} Qb8 {94} 25. Bd5 {14} Ra6 {109} 26. Be4 {
8} Qe5 {333} 27. Ra7 {108} Re6 {67} 28. Ra6 {
16} Re8 {17} 29. Qh3 {. 101} h6 {17} 30. Qg3 {39} Qxg3 {12} 31. hxg3 {3} b4 {33
} 32. a4 {13} Rc8 {3} 33. Rc6 {9} Rxc6 {3} 34. Bxc6 {3} g5 {1} 35. Kf1 {9} Kg7
{1} 36. Ke2 {2} Be5 {1} 37. b3 {16} h5 {1} 38. Bf3 {5} Bxg3 {1} 39. Bxh5 {5}
Kf6 {1} 40. Bf3 {4} Ke5 {1} 41. Bg4 {17} Kf4 {0} 42. Bf3 {20} Bf2 {0} 43. Ba8 {
5} Kg3 {1} 44. Be4 {Zaman ' 10} 1-0
The answer is in my comments, Hint it is somewhere between move 25-30
At 3:53 AM,
takchess said…
3518: Takchess - Bosi, Rated game, 20m + 0s 2007
7k/3R2pp/r4b2/pp2q3/3pB1Q1/P2Pp3/1PP3PP/6K1 w - - 0 1
Analysis by Fritz 10:
1. +- (#11): 27.Rxg7 Qg5 28.Rxh7+ Kg8 29.Qd7 Qg7 30.Qe8+ Qf8 31.Qg6+ Qg7 32.Bd5+
2. +- (12.48): 27.Ra7 Qe8 28.Rxa6 Bd8 29.Ra8 e2 30.Qxe2 Qf8 31.Qh5
At 11:47 AM,
Loomis said…
I thought there might have been something on the back rank, but I didn't find a better clearance for the rook than Ra7. Rxg7 was a real gem.
What about 22. Rd7 instead of Raf1. Doesn't this win the bishop on d5?
At 7:33 PM,
Anonymous said…
It looks like you missed 22. Rd7 as loomis pointed out, but I think the shot you refer to is 28. Qxe6 (insted of 22. Ra6) which wins the Rook or mates.
At 12:15 PM,
BlunderProne said…
After 18...Bd5 why not simply 19 Bxd5? Then if he recaptures with the queen, Rdf8+. then after the rook exchange, and his queen defending at Qg8, You simply take the queen. Or am I missing something?
At 12:19 PM,
BlunderProne said…
MAke that move 21... Bd5 22. Bxd5
At 12:20 PM,
BlunderProne said…
never mind... I see the other rook was gone... this won't work... D'oh.
I am an idiot.
At 6:00 PM,
BlunderProne said…
About your offer.... I started a new job recently and it would be difficult to take a weekday off for me... however.... I work in andover...not far from the boarder. I *could* take an extended lunch... or even bring sign you in for a lunch time game.
PS. Thursdays over the summer is grill day at the cafeteria... steak tips, burgers, chicken etc... nice shady spots outside... nudge nudge.
At 4:17 PM,
takchess said…
Hi BP,
I can make Andover at some point. Are you in Academia still?
At 4:17 PM,
takchess said…
Hi BP,
I can make Andover at some point. Are you in Academia still?
At 8:10 PM,
BlunderProne said…
Acadamia still??
Surely you have me mistaken for someone else.
I am an RF engineer... I work at Philips Medical now. I used to be with Intel for several years.
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