Takchess Chess Improvement

A Novice chessplayer works to get better at chess using an improvement program based upon the methods of Michael de la Maza and the teachings of Dan Heisman

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Another book on Tactics

I recently recieved a book from Interlibrary loan called Mastering Tactical Ideas by IM Nickolay Minev. This is a collection of articles from his Inside Chess columns called Tactics, tactics and more tactics. Each article has a tactical theme ie: kamikaze pawns, two horsepower mates, lineal mates, Quiet moves before tactical combinations. The chapter gives 6-7 annotated games that are examples of that theme. This is somewhat in the spirit of Chernev most Instructives games.

I have partially built a collection is chessgames.com of these games.

Minev Games from book


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