kings gambit
I'm liking this King's gambit. It seems material is less important than initiative during most of the game. Here is one I just played. I am playing white.
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1. e4 {1} e5 {5} 2. f4 {3} exf4 {6} 3. Nf3 {3} Nc6 {5} 4. Bc4 {5} Bc5 {23} 5.
d4 {24} Bb6 {13} 6. Bxf4 {20} d6 {2} 7. O-O {13} Bg4 {15} 8. Bxf7+ {10} Kf8 {9}
9. Bg5 {46} Nf6 {29} 10. Bb3 {39} Nxd4 {24} 11. Kh1 {36} Nxf3 {76} 12. gxf3 {57
} Bh3 {3} 13. Rg1 {7} Bxg1 {3} 14. Kxg1 {6} Qe8 {10} 15. e5 {22} dxe5 {10} 16.
Bd2 {54} Qg6+ {8} 17. Kf2 {5} c5 {26} 18. Bg5 {53} Ne8 {71} 19. Qd2 {86} Qf5 {
51} 20. Qe3 {93} b6 {14} 21. Nc3 {35} h6 {34} 22. Rg1 {64} a5 {92} 23. a4 {27}
Nc7 {53} 24. Be7+ {15} Kxe7 {39} 25. Rxg7+ {5} Kd6 {3} 26. Qd2+ {46} Kc6 {48}
27. Bd5+ {42} Nxd5 {7} 28. Qxd5# {(Lag: Av=0.51s, max=0.8s) 5} 1-0
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1. e4 {1} e5 {5} 2. f4 {3} exf4 {6} 3. Nf3 {3} Nc6 {5} 4. Bc4 {5} Bc5 {23} 5.
d4 {24} Bb6 {13} 6. Bxf4 {20} d6 {2} 7. O-O {13} Bg4 {15} 8. Bxf7+ {10} Kf8 {9}
9. Bg5 {46} Nf6 {29} 10. Bb3 {39} Nxd4 {24} 11. Kh1 {36} Nxf3 {76} 12. gxf3 {57
} Bh3 {3} 13. Rg1 {7} Bxg1 {3} 14. Kxg1 {6} Qe8 {10} 15. e5 {22} dxe5 {10} 16.
Bd2 {54} Qg6+ {8} 17. Kf2 {5} c5 {26} 18. Bg5 {53} Ne8 {71} 19. Qd2 {86} Qf5 {
51} 20. Qe3 {93} b6 {14} 21. Nc3 {35} h6 {34} 22. Rg1 {64} a5 {92} 23. a4 {27}
Nc7 {53} 24. Be7+ {15} Kxe7 {39} 25. Rxg7+ {5} Kd6 {3} 26. Qd2+ {46} Kc6 {48}
27. Bd5+ {42} Nxd5 {7} 28. Qxd5# {(Lag: Av=0.51s, max=0.8s) 5} 1-0
At 11:49 PM,
Temposchlucker said…
Your style of play remembers me of my early days as gambiteer:)
Actually the KG is a very positional gambit (conquerring the center and opening lines against the enemy king). In 90% of the cases you get your pawn back without a struggle. Leaving you with a better position.
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