Can you find what I missed ??????
This is my last game of the NH Open,a Trompowsky Attack by my opponent which flows all over the board. Despite my unintentional exchange sacrifice,it was a fairly even game. At the end point of this file I made an error which resulted in a king walk and loss. I cannot reconstruct the end from my notes.
I had attacking chances throughout including a missed opportunity to pull ahead. Fellow Knights can you find what I missed in play ????????
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[White "C, Daniel"]
[Black "takchess, Jim"]
{300MB, Fritz9.ctg, D3YSNJ81} 1. d4 {0} Nf6 {0} 2. Bg5 {94} Ne4 3. Bh4 g5 4.
Bg3 d5 5. Nd2 Nxg3 6. hxg3 h5 7. e3 g4 8. f3 Be6 9. fxg4 Bxg4 10. Be2 f5 11.
Ndf3 Nc6 12. Nh2 Qd7 13. Nxg4 fxg4 14. Bxg4 Qd6 15. Bxh5+ Rxh5 16. Qxh5+ Kd7
17. Qf5+ e6 18. Qf4 Qb4+ 19. c3 Qxb2 20. Rd1 Qxc3+ 21. Ke2 Qc4+ 22. Kf3 Be7 23.
Rh7 Re8 24. Rb1 b6 25. Ne2 Kd8 26. Rc1 Qa4 27. Nc3 *
I had attacking chances throughout including a missed opportunity to pull ahead. Fellow Knights can you find what I missed in play ????????
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[White "C, Daniel"]
[Black "takchess, Jim"]
{300MB, Fritz9.ctg, D3YSNJ81} 1. d4 {0} Nf6 {0} 2. Bg5 {94} Ne4 3. Bh4 g5 4.
Bg3 d5 5. Nd2 Nxg3 6. hxg3 h5 7. e3 g4 8. f3 Be6 9. fxg4 Bxg4 10. Be2 f5 11.
Ndf3 Nc6 12. Nh2 Qd7 13. Nxg4 fxg4 14. Bxg4 Qd6 15. Bxh5+ Rxh5 16. Qxh5+ Kd7
17. Qf5+ e6 18. Qf4 Qb4+ 19. c3 Qxb2 20. Rd1 Qxc3+ 21. Ke2 Qc4+ 22. Kf3 Be7 23.
Rh7 Re8 24. Rb1 b6 25. Ne2 Kd8 26. Rc1 Qa4 27. Nc3 *
At 10:21 AM,
Friend of Plato said…
Well, I'm not a Knight, but i have some comments. Let me know if you'd like to hear them. Good luck on the remainder of your games.
At 11:43 AM,
Blue Devil Knight said…
Oh Quando, why so contentious? :P
At 12:15 PM,
Friend of Plato said…
Really, I was just trying to be polite. :-)
At 12:39 PM,
takchess said…
At 11:23 PM,
Friend of Plato said…
Okay. Here goes my take. In the opening phase, I think there are three things you should always be trying to achieve: 1. Better center; 2. Better development; 3. Better King safety. Generally, your opening moves should be aimed at obtaining one or more of these things. So, in lieu of that, moves like 6...h5 & 7...g5 don't help you achieve either of those desiderata; In fact, they waste tempo. Moves like 8...Be6 are also wasted tempos (since you had to move it again once White captured your g-pawn) and it blocks your e-pawn that is needed in helping maintain your center control. After that, while your position is hardly a felicitious one, it is at least a viable one (relative to your opponent's strength). But 12...Qd7 & 15...Rh5 are just gross tactical errors and your game is decided because of it. The game, then, was lost due to poor tactics. I think too much time was wasted pushing pawns that did not help achieve the three opening desiderata, and then there were just too many tactical errors to survive.
Does that help at all? Set me straight where I'm wrong, if not.
Thanks for sharing the game.
At 5:54 PM,
takchess said…
thanks I for your comments I will post my ideas after I get a chance to study through them.
At 1:39 PM,
Anonymous said…
takchess, not sure if you've seen this in your postgame analysis, but 23. ... Qc2 forks the rooks. White has a material advantage, but with two undefended rooks, it looks like Qc2 will win the day. Even after 23. ... Re8 24. Rb1 b6 25. Ne2 Qc2 still forks the rooks. The knight on c6 will be loose after Rc1 Qxh7, but black has his own threats like Rc8.
I might have preferred 24. ... Kc8 instead of b6 to unpin the bishop on d7 and maintain the pawn on b7.
(disclaimer: I'm only a B player, so all analysis could be wrong :-))
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