One of the more interesting endgames I have played
I am playing Black
1. e4 {9} e5 {5} 2. Nf3 {13} Nc6 {5} 3. Bc4 {8} Nf6 {4} 4. d3 {27} Bc5 {6} 5.
Nc3 {18} d6 {8} 6. h3 {34} Be6 {8} 7. Bb3 {30} Nd4 {22} 8. Nxd4 {54} Bxd4 {8}
9. Ne2 {40} c5 {39} 10. c3 {33} Qa5 {15} 11. Bd2 {23} Bxf2+ {17} 12. Kxf2 {29}
c4 {2} 13. dxc4 {208} h5 {BSSBSS reconnected. BSSBSS reconnected. 62} 14. Be3 {
11} Nxe4+ {5} 15. Ke1 {114} f5 {14} 16. Ba4+ {193} Ke7 {320} 17. Bb3 {
BSSBSS claims win on disconnect 207} h4 {515} 18. c5 {163} dxc5 {61} 19. Bxe6 {
7} Kxe6 {8} 20. Qb3+ {5} Kf6 {12} 21. Qxb7 {24} Qb6 {24} 22. Qxb6+ {60} axb6 {4
} 23. a3 {196} Rad8 {35} 24. Rd1 {19} g5 {55} 25. Rf1 {76} Ke6 {15} 26. Bf2 {51
} Rhf8 {32} 27. g3 {138} Rxd1+ {12} 28. Kxd1 {20} Rd8+ {8} 29. Kc1 {48} b5 {36}
30. gxh4 {74} Nxf2 {28} 31. Rxf2 {51} gxh4 {6} 32. Kc2 {154} c4 {
Takchess claims win on disconnect 33} 33. b3 {310} Rd3 {40} 34. Rh2 {179} e4 {9
} 35. Nf4+ {12} Ke5 {6} 36. Nxd3+ {4} cxd3+ {3} 37. Kb2 {4} e3 {2} 38. Kc1 {27}
f4 {8} 39. Kd1 {17} f3 {9} 40. Ke1 {27} Ke4 {8} 41. a4 {4} bxa4 {7} 42. bxa4 {2
} e2 {8} 43. a5 {10} Ke3 {4} 44. Rxe2+ {30} dxe2 {6} 45. a6 {8} f2# {
(Lag: Av=1.25s, max=24.8s) 4} 0-1
The power of forward pawns and an active king
At 10:15 PM,
Cratercat said…
What a pawnstorm! It doesn't get much sweeter than that my friend.
At 10:49 PM,
likesforests said…
What amazes me is how White went from an easy win to a crushing defeat in a single move. 37.Kd2 wins. 37.Kb2 loses. He apparently was too content with his rook and did not give your three connected passed pawns the respect and attention they deserved. Great playing--you really drove the lesson home. I bet he'll remember!
At 2:26 AM,
takchess said…
yes, CC it doesn't get sweeter than that. I was reminded of this game as I played it.
LF, agreed white had an easy win.
Activate that Rook ! Study of the endgame is giving me enjoyment. I am moving up the scale from Horrid to Slightly below average and that is translating to some wins.
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