About Me
- Name: takchess
- Location: New Hampshire, new england, United States
There exists an extremely large group of chess players who are no longer beginners nor, on the other hand, masters or point hunters, but players who aim primarily at deriving an aesthetic satisfaction from the game. For such players an attacking game is more attractive than positional technique and they will continue to attack regardless of risk., for their stormy contest are not going to be noted down in theoretical textbooks. From the introduction to Art of Attack in Chess :Vukovic
At 8:12 PM,
BlunderProne said…
I think on move 17 as black I would have moved my king off the open f-file ( 17...Kg8) rather than what was played ( Nh4).
The knight on f5 was good there. as it kept the Bishop off the black squares. You didn't have the dark bishop any more and needed to diffuse the effects of his by gettign control of the dark squares int eh center...my 2 cents
At 1:37 AM,
Temposchlucker said…
There is an option to flip the board while publishing the game.
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