Knight Sac on F5 against KS Fianchetto: Thanks Trans!
Vukovic in chapter 9 of the Art of Attack spoke about the thematic Knight f5 sacrifice which is common in attacks on the Kingside fianchetto positions. The blogger Dave Transformation kindly sent me a series of games where the knight is posted on f5 against the fianchetto many which are sacrifices I have posted a collection of these games here Game Collection: Nf5 sac against the kingside castled fianchetto .
This is the ending position of the second game in this collection Black (btm) has no saving move.
At 1:06 PM, Temposchlucker said…
Thanks for reminding me. I must learn to use the knight sac for the Polar Bear. It is not a sacrifice I would come up with myself easely. I must study it to get the ideas behind it.
At 7:51 PM, drunknknite said…
I love this sac. Many, many blitz games come to mind. Incidentally I also play that opening for Black and if you leave out 0-0 you cannot play this Qb6, this is important to know for both sides. If Black is castled than he is fine.
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