Dropping a queen
Here is a brutal austrian attack game against the Pirc where I dropped a queen and still was able to finish it off. I saw that the rook was lined up to attack my queen but did not calculate correctly that I could be put in check by the Knight. The big question is whether black trading a rook and a knight for a queen and a pawn in this position was a good thing. I imagine it was but not sure. With proper play on his part, I think I would of lost.
I wrote down the moves as I played for practice. Hopefully I will have better vision in the tourney this weekend.
[Event "Rated game, 25m + 0s"]
[Site "Main Playing Hall"]
[Date "2006.02.08"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Takchess"]
[Black "Hans58"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "B09"]
[WhiteElo "1482"]
[BlackElo "1505"]
[PlyCount "49"]
[EventDate "2006.02.08"]
[TimeControl "1500"]
1. e4 {12} d6 {1} 2. d4 {39} Nf6 {2} 3. Nc3 {30} g6 {8} 4. f4 {61} Bg7 {24} 5.
Nf3 {195} Bg4 {99} 6. Qd3 {49} Bxf3 {43} 7. Qxf3 {42} Nc6 {42} 8. a3 {77} O-O {
2} 9. Bc4 {21} Nxd4 {5} 10. Qd3 {68} e5 {23} 11. fxe5 {58} dxe5 {5} 12. Bg5 {55
} c6 {32} 13. O-O-O {41} Qc7 {54} 14. Rdf1 {99} Rad8 {29} 15. Bxf6 {75} Nb3+ {
22} 16. Bxb3 {36} Rxd3 {2} 17. cxd3 {15} Bh6+ {14} 18. Kc2 {48} Qd6 {13} 19. g4
{23} Bf4 {20} 20. g5 {29} c5 {34} 21. h4 {18} Rc8 {39} 22. Bc4 {18} a6 {16} 23.
h5 {8} b5 {3} 24. hxg6 {71} bxc4 {9} 25. gxh7+ {
Hans58 Opgeven? (Lag: Av=0.23s, max=0.4s) 33} 1-0
Paste game in the pgn viewer in the taskbar
I wrote down the moves as I played for practice. Hopefully I will have better vision in the tourney this weekend.
[Event "Rated game, 25m + 0s"]
[Site "Main Playing Hall"]
[Date "2006.02.08"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Takchess"]
[Black "Hans58"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "B09"]
[WhiteElo "1482"]
[BlackElo "1505"]
[PlyCount "49"]
[EventDate "2006.02.08"]
[TimeControl "1500"]
1. e4 {12} d6 {1} 2. d4 {39} Nf6 {2} 3. Nc3 {30} g6 {8} 4. f4 {61} Bg7 {24} 5.
Nf3 {195} Bg4 {99} 6. Qd3 {49} Bxf3 {43} 7. Qxf3 {42} Nc6 {42} 8. a3 {77} O-O {
2} 9. Bc4 {21} Nxd4 {5} 10. Qd3 {68} e5 {23} 11. fxe5 {58} dxe5 {5} 12. Bg5 {55
} c6 {32} 13. O-O-O {41} Qc7 {54} 14. Rdf1 {99} Rad8 {29} 15. Bxf6 {75} Nb3+ {
22} 16. Bxb3 {36} Rxd3 {2} 17. cxd3 {15} Bh6+ {14} 18. Kc2 {48} Qd6 {13} 19. g4
{23} Bf4 {20} 20. g5 {29} c5 {34} 21. h4 {18} Rc8 {39} 22. Bc4 {18} a6 {16} 23.
h5 {8} b5 {3} 24. hxg6 {71} bxc4 {9} 25. gxh7+ {
Hans58 Opgeven? (Lag: Av=0.23s, max=0.4s) 33} 1-0
Paste game in the pgn viewer in the taskbar
At 3:55 AM,
Temposchlucker said…
Good luck at the tournament!
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