The marshall attack
All I needed was one bullet. 8)
I could of had mate one move earlier but all my concentration was on staying alive while all his was on the attack.
Paste game into this viewer
1. e4 {11} e5 {3} 2. Nf3 {6} Nc6 {4} 3. Bb5 {4} a6 {4} 4. Ba4 {2} Nf6 {4} 5.
O-O {3} Be7 {12} 6. Re1 {3} b5 {4} 7. Bb3 {6} O-O {4} 8. c3 {6} d5 {3} 9. exd5
{15} Nxd5 {4} 10. Nxe5 {8} Nxe5 {17} 11. Rxe5 {6} Be6 {8} 12. d4 {22} c6 {4}
13. f4 {15} Bd6 {6} 14. Bc2 {23} Bxe5 {44} 15. fxe5 {6} f6 {7} 16. Qh5 {18} h6
{67} 17. Qg6 {23} fxe5 {87} 18. Qxe6+ {5} Kh8 {47} 19. Qg6 {22} Kg8 {12} 20.
dxe5 {10} Qe7 {36} 21. Bxh6 {20} Qc5+ {
[Event "Friendly Game, 20m + 7s"]
[Site "Main Playing Hall"]
[Date "2006.04.02"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Hipocrati"]
[Black "Takchess"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "C89"]
[WhiteElo "1857"]
[BlackElo "1504"]
[PlyCount "42"]
[EventDate "2006.04.02"]
[TimeControl "1200+7"]
I could of had mate one move earlier but all my concentration was on staying alive while all his was on the attack.
Paste game into this viewer
1. e4 {11} e5 {3} 2. Nf3 {6} Nc6 {4} 3. Bb5 {4} a6 {4} 4. Ba4 {2} Nf6 {4} 5.
O-O {3} Be7 {12} 6. Re1 {3} b5 {4} 7. Bb3 {6} O-O {4} 8. c3 {6} d5 {3} 9. exd5
{15} Nxd5 {4} 10. Nxe5 {8} Nxe5 {17} 11. Rxe5 {6} Be6 {8} 12. d4 {22} c6 {4}
13. f4 {15} Bd6 {6} 14. Bc2 {23} Bxe5 {44} 15. fxe5 {6} f6 {7} 16. Qh5 {18} h6
{67} 17. Qg6 {23} fxe5 {87} 18. Qxe6+ {5} Kh8 {47} 19. Qg6 {22} Kg8 {12} 20.
dxe5 {10} Qe7 {36} 21. Bxh6 {20} Qc5+ {
[Event "Friendly Game, 20m + 7s"]
[Site "Main Playing Hall"]
[Date "2006.04.02"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Hipocrati"]
[Black "Takchess"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "C89"]
[WhiteElo "1857"]
[BlackElo "1504"]
[PlyCount "42"]
[EventDate "2006.04.02"]
[TimeControl "1200+7"]
At 8:02 AM,
Temposchlucker said…
That was close!
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