Welcome Taktrosian -TAKchess evil twin
Taktrosian is TAKchess doupelganger who actually knows how to play defense and the endgame. To view game cut and paste game into pgn viewer on the sidebar. I am playing black.
1. c4 {1} e5 {6} 2. g3 {2} d6 {17} 3. Bg2 {6} Be7 {5} 4. Nc3 {26} Nf6 {11} 5.
e3 {13} O-O {6} 6. Nge2 {2} Qd7 {107} 7. O-O {17} Nc6 {43} 8. a3 {29} b6 {9} 9.
b4 {14} Rb8 {4} 10. Bb2 {21} Bb7 {7} 11. d4 {6} exd4 {28} 12. exd4 {18} Nd8 {34
} 13. d5 {6} c6 {13} 14. dxc6 {44} Bxc6 {7} 15. Nd5 {13} Bxd5 {32} 16. cxd5 {36
} Qb5 {67} 17. Nd4 {21} Qd7 {45} 18. Rc1 {10} Re8 {16} 19. Nc6 {13} Nxc6 {36}
20. dxc6 {3} Qc7 {3} 21. Re1 {13} Rbd8 {20} 22. Qd4 {164} d5 {136} 23. b5 {65}
Rd6 {37} 24. a4 {11} Re6 {51} 25. Rxe6 {12} fxe6 {4} 26. Qe5 {11} Rc8 {34} 27.
Qxc7 {6} Rxc7 {4} 28. Be5 {1} Rc8 {13} 29. c7 {6} Bc5 {16} 30. a5 {32} Ng4 {13}
31. Bf4 {59} Nxf2 {14} 32. Kf1 {11} Nd3 {5} 33. Rc3 {27} Nxf4 {18} 34. gxf4 {5}
Rxc7 {5} 35. axb6 {3} Bxb6 {13} 36. Rxc7 {12} Bxc7 {3} 37. f5 {6} Kf7 {11} 38.
fxe6+ {10} Kxe6 {3} 39. h3 {3} Ke5 {5} 40. Ke2 {11} Kd4 {5} 41. Kd2 {10} Kc4 {7
} 42. Bf3 {6} d4 {6} 43. Bc6 {4} Bb6 {3} 44. Bd7 {10} g5 {14} 45. Kd1 {24} Kd3
{9} 46. Bf5+ {12} Kc3 {6} 47. Bxh7 {22} Kc4 {4} 48. Kd2 {4} Kxb5 {4} 49. Kd3 {2
} Kc5 {2} 50. Bg8 {2} a5 {5} 51. Ba2 {56} Kb4 {12} 52. Bg8 {2} a4 {12} 53. Ba2
{3} a3 {2} 54. Be6 {4} Kc5 {58} 55. Ba2 {23} Kd6 {3} 56. Bc4 {6} Ke5 {2} 57.
Ba2 {16} Kf4 {8} 58. Be6 {2} Kg3 {8} 59. Ke2 {27} Kg2 {19} 60. Kd3 {22} Kf3 {31
} 61. Bg4+ {10} Kg3 {7} 62. Be6 {2} a2 {16} 63. Bxa2 {2} Kxh3 {2} 64. Be6+ {20}
Kg3 {3} 65. Ke2 {25} Kf4 {19} 66. Kf2 {32} g4 {6} 67. Kg2 {13} d3 {11} 68. Bb3
{24} d2 {4} 69. Bd1 {2} Ba5 {10} 70. Be2 {11} Bc3 {63} 71. Bd1 {5} Bd4 {5} 72.
Be2 {8} Be3 {4} 73. Bd1 {3} g3 {6} 74. Be2 {78} Bf2 {6} 75. Bf3 {12} Ke3 {6}
76. Kf1 {7} Kd3 {9} 77. Bd1 {17} Kc3 {5} 78. Bf3 {7} Kb2 {3} 79. Ke2 {11} Kc1 {
12} 80. Kf1 {19} d1=Q+ {40} 81. Bxd1 {9} Kxd1 {2} 82. Kg2 {2} Ke2 {3} 83. Kh1 {
4} Be1 {5} 84. Kg2 {2} Ke3 {5} 85. Kf1 {8} Kf3 {17} 86. Kg1 {18} g2 {11} 87.
Kh2 {2} Kf2 {7} 88. Kh3 {6} Kf1 {16} 89. Kh2 {8} g1=Q+ {
Kachapov resigns (Lag: Av=0.55s, max=7.0s) 5} 0-1
circle update L30 currently on 497 about 115 to go. sunday morn update onto 526
At 3:28 PM,
likesforests said…
An exception to bishops of opposite color endings being drawn! Care to annotate the win? I still don't know too much about bishop endings except a few basic rules.
At 3:56 AM,
takchess said…
Hi LF,
The reason why this wasn't drawn was due to extra pawns by black if material was even it would tend to be drawish.
I am not going to annotate it but will make these general comments as to strategy.
I made my king active
tried to keep my pawns on the color of my bishop and protected
pushed pawns on different sides of the board. Forced Whites Bishop to commit to covering both and be recaptured by my king in a position where I would have a winning endgame .
Also toward the end I calculated carefully to avoid a stalemate
At 7:31 AM,
Loomis said…
I think white could have tried sacking the exchange on c5. For example, 31. Rxc5 bxc5 32. b6 with b7 coming, it doesn't look like black can stop the promotion. Of course, there are other lines. 31. Rxc5 Nxe5 32. Bh3 Kf7 33. Rxd5 Also looks good for white. Not sure if I missed a defense for black, but this sac looks good to me.
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