Traxler trouble
paste into pgn viewer on sidebar. Played this game as black and if not for the overlooked mate might have lost. I recieved my Dan Heisman Traxler CD which is of interest and quality. I'm getting ready for the tourney
[Event "Rated game, 25m + 10s"]
[Site "Main Playing Hall"]
[Date "2006.02.10"]
[Round "?"]
[White "MIQELE"]
[Black "Takchess"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "C57"]
[BlackElo "1492"]
[PlyCount "46"]
[EventDate "2006.02.10"]
[TimeControl "1500+10"]
1. e4 {2} e5 {3} 2. Nf3 {1} Nc6 {8} 3. Bc4 {3} Nf6 {5} 4. Ng5 {2} Bc5 {5} 5.
Nxf7 {4} Bxf2+ {16} 6. Kf1 {17} Qe7 {14} 7. d3 {26} Rf8 {9} 8. Kxf2 {6} Rxf7 {
13} 9. Bxf7+ {3} Qxf7 {4} 10. Rf1 {4} Nd4 {13} 11. Kg1 {9} d6 {17} 12. c3 {15}
Nc6 {56} 13. Bg5 {6} Bd7 {39} 14. Qf3 {14} O-O-O {24} 15. Bxf6 {3} gxf6 {4} 16.
Qxf6 {4} Qe8 {34} 17. Qh6 {14} Qg8 {37} 18. Nd2 {13} b6 {35} 19. b4 {32} Kb7 {
64} 20. a4 {13} Ne7 {154} 21. b5 {6} Ng6 {52} 22. c4 {62} Nf4 {5} 23. Rf3 {23}
Qxg2# {(Lag: Av=1.98s, max=6.7s) 10} 0-1
[Event "Rated game, 25m + 10s"]
[Site "Main Playing Hall"]
[Date "2006.02.10"]
[Round "?"]
[White "MIQELE"]
[Black "Takchess"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "C57"]
[BlackElo "1492"]
[PlyCount "46"]
[EventDate "2006.02.10"]
[TimeControl "1500+10"]
1. e4 {2} e5 {3} 2. Nf3 {1} Nc6 {8} 3. Bc4 {3} Nf6 {5} 4. Ng5 {2} Bc5 {5} 5.
Nxf7 {4} Bxf2+ {16} 6. Kf1 {17} Qe7 {14} 7. d3 {26} Rf8 {9} 8. Kxf2 {6} Rxf7 {
13} 9. Bxf7+ {3} Qxf7 {4} 10. Rf1 {4} Nd4 {13} 11. Kg1 {9} d6 {17} 12. c3 {15}
Nc6 {56} 13. Bg5 {6} Bd7 {39} 14. Qf3 {14} O-O-O {24} 15. Bxf6 {3} gxf6 {4} 16.
Qxf6 {4} Qe8 {34} 17. Qh6 {14} Qg8 {37} 18. Nd2 {13} b6 {35} 19. b4 {32} Kb7 {
64} 20. a4 {13} Ne7 {154} 21. b5 {6} Ng6 {52} 22. c4 {62} Nf4 {5} 23. Rf3 {23}
Qxg2# {(Lag: Av=1.98s, max=6.7s) 10} 0-1
At 8:18 AM,
Blue Devil Knight said…
Good luck this weekend!
At 4:49 PM,
Edwin 'dutchdefence' Meyer said…
The Dan Heisman Traxler CD is what i was refering to... I have it as well. It's good stuff. Certainly for the Traxler fanatic :)
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