A positional player???
My rating has dropped from 1600's to low 1500 again. Water seeking it's own level.
Wanted to try something different against queen pawn opening and played the Kings Indian for the first time . At least I think its the kings Indian. It's a little out of character for me to play these slow building defenses. It didn't turn out to badly though. In the game below I should of took the bishop instead of the knight on move 26 for a much quicker ending.
Before you know it I will start playing Queen pawn endings, not sacrifice for the initiative and play long grinding games where a pawn is not taken for the first 40 minutes. In short become J'adoube 8)
I have started to think what it would be like if I actually started playing some defense and started reading a Colin Crouch book how to defend in chess. It is interesting and teaches through deeply annotated games of Lasker and Petrosian. Lasker ends up in so much trouble in the openings it is almost seem like as Reti claims purposely played bad moves to psych out his opponent. He is one slippery defender.
Also I have Bronsteins book the Sorcerer's Apprentice that I bought a year ago and am starting to play through some games . Now this guy can play!
paste game into this viewer
1. d4 {8} Nf6 {12} 2. c4 {9} g6 {5} 3. Nc3 {21} Bg7 {3} 4. e4 {12} d6 {2} 5.
Nf3 {55} O-O {17} 6. Bf4 {42} b6 {40} 7. e5 {65} Nh5 {16} 8. Qd2 {134} Nxf4 {41
} 9. Qxf4 {13} dxe5 {5} 10. Nxe5 {33} Bb7 {18} 11. Nf3 {143} Nd7 {47} 12. d5 {
234} Nf6 {50} 13. Rd1 {139} Qd6 {6} 14. Qxd6 {45} exd6 {24} 15. g3 {57} Rad8 {
30} 16. Bg2 {18} Rfe8+ {20} 17. Ne2 {33} Ba6 {24} 18. b3 {21} Nd7 {32} 19. Rd3
{52} Nc5 {8} 20. Re3 {16} b5 {29} 21. O-O {23} bxc4 {12} 22. Rxe8+ {40} Rxe8 {9
} 23. Re1 {53} cxb3 {10} 24. Ned4 {10} Rxe1+ {8} 25. Nxe1 {6} b2 {6} 26. Be4 {
17} Bxd4 {5} 27. Bb1 {50} Bc3 {21} 28. Nf3 {8} Ne4 {27} 29. Kg2 {37} Nd2 {16}
30. Nxd2 {6} Bxd2 {5} 31. Kf3 {35} Kg7 {24} 32. h4 {74} Kf6 {12} 33. Ke4 {6}
Bf1 {11} 34. Kd4 {40} Be1 {Iku resigns (Lag: Av=1.76s, max=27.3s) 17} 0-1
Wanted to try something different against queen pawn opening and played the Kings Indian for the first time . At least I think its the kings Indian. It's a little out of character for me to play these slow building defenses. It didn't turn out to badly though. In the game below I should of took the bishop instead of the knight on move 26 for a much quicker ending.
Before you know it I will start playing Queen pawn endings, not sacrifice for the initiative and play long grinding games where a pawn is not taken for the first 40 minutes. In short become J'adoube 8)
I have started to think what it would be like if I actually started playing some defense and started reading a Colin Crouch book how to defend in chess. It is interesting and teaches through deeply annotated games of Lasker and Petrosian. Lasker ends up in so much trouble in the openings it is almost seem like as Reti claims purposely played bad moves to psych out his opponent. He is one slippery defender.
Also I have Bronsteins book the Sorcerer's Apprentice that I bought a year ago and am starting to play through some games . Now this guy can play!
paste game into this viewer
1. d4 {8} Nf6 {12} 2. c4 {9} g6 {5} 3. Nc3 {21} Bg7 {3} 4. e4 {12} d6 {2} 5.
Nf3 {55} O-O {17} 6. Bf4 {42} b6 {40} 7. e5 {65} Nh5 {16} 8. Qd2 {134} Nxf4 {41
} 9. Qxf4 {13} dxe5 {5} 10. Nxe5 {33} Bb7 {18} 11. Nf3 {143} Nd7 {47} 12. d5 {
234} Nf6 {50} 13. Rd1 {139} Qd6 {6} 14. Qxd6 {45} exd6 {24} 15. g3 {57} Rad8 {
30} 16. Bg2 {18} Rfe8+ {20} 17. Ne2 {33} Ba6 {24} 18. b3 {21} Nd7 {32} 19. Rd3
{52} Nc5 {8} 20. Re3 {16} b5 {29} 21. O-O {23} bxc4 {12} 22. Rxe8+ {40} Rxe8 {9
} 23. Re1 {53} cxb3 {10} 24. Ned4 {10} Rxe1+ {8} 25. Nxe1 {6} b2 {6} 26. Be4 {
17} Bxd4 {5} 27. Bb1 {50} Bc3 {21} 28. Nf3 {8} Ne4 {27} 29. Kg2 {37} Nd2 {16}
30. Nxd2 {6} Bxd2 {5} 31. Kf3 {35} Kg7 {24} 32. h4 {74} Kf6 {12} 33. Ke4 {6}
Bf1 {11} 34. Kd4 {40} Be1 {Iku resigns (Lag: Av=1.76s, max=27.3s) 17} 0-1
At 7:04 AM,
Edwin 'dutchdefence' Meyer said…
It is a King's Indian ;-)
That Bronstein book sure sounds nice... Not only can he play... He can play just about anything :-)
Whenever you look up an opening at chessgames.com and pick Bronstein as the player, he almost always played it. Now, compare that to Seirawan and look up an opening with his name, and you won't find any games. And that for someone i've read about changing his opening repertoire every six weeks?
You should try it out sometime. Pick Seirawan as the player (colour White), and the use the opening nav bar. After that you should do the same with Bronstein.
Anyway, i hope they sell that Bronstein book over at a chess shop here in Holland. Bronstein is amongst my favourite players, so... How much of the games are annotated? And how's the annotation? Can it be compared to something like Chernev's Move by Move? I knew about Bronstein's Zurich book. That's one i want to have as well.
At 7:06 AM,
Edwin 'dutchdefence' Meyer said…
Seirawan as Black did not play much either :-)
At 9:22 AM,
Temposchlucker said…
The matter is: do you like it?
I always was rather succesfull with the KID as black. But I never really liked it. So I changed to the Fajarowicz. Or if white plays d4 and Nf3 I play the Doerry. Which is a kind of transposition to the Dutch Defense.
At 9:45 AM,
Edwin 'dutchdefence' Meyer said…
Fajarowiczcertainly looks interesting...
At 1:49 PM,
takchess said…
there are 50 games which are annotated for the average chess player. Not every move is annotated like chernov book.There are discussions about the general ideas of the game, some variation analyses about moves that are turning points in the game, alot of personal info about the tournaments and personality which makes it interesting. There is also a section that has a number of games and a diagram showing a tactic where material is won on a series of games.the 50 games have just the right amount of annotation where they do not read like a fritz chart but provide an insight into the game. You can also see some good reviews on amazon.com
At 6:48 PM,
BlunderProne said…
If you are looking for a good Bronstein book... one of my favorites is the games collection of Zurich 1953. He writes in a way that a mortal can understand.
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