Two for BDK
I am playing exclusively the Danish Gambit/Goring Gambit now as white if my opponent lets me play an open game. It is a nice change of pace from the KGambit which has alot of theory and sometimes the king gambit became a little too quiet for me I will play the Danish in tournament play if allowed.
Played a beautiful one last night at chess club unfortunately I did not record it. It was a minature where I could either had checkmate or took a queen and there was no lines that would of prevented it.
Here are two I played this morning on playchess.
1. e4 {5} e5 {2} 2. d4 {9} exd4 {5} 3. c3 {2} dxc3 {15} 4. Bc4 {6} Qe7 {12} 5.
Nxc3 {4} Nf6 {7} 6. Nf3 {34} Nxe4 {20} 7. O-O {5} Qc5 {24} 8. Qe2 {42} f5 {11}
9. Nxe4 {80} fxe4 {6} 10. Qxe4+ {5} Be7 {11} 11. Bg5 {7} c6 {5} 12. Rfe1 {19}
d5 {18} 13. Qe5 {23} O-O {78} 14. Bxe7 {29} Qxc4 {30} 15. Bxf8
1. e4 {4} e5 {5} 2. d4 {2} exd4 {7} 3. c3 {4} dxc3 {5} 4. Bc4 {4} cxb2 {6} 5.
Bxb2 {4} Bb4+ {19} 6. Nc3 {5} Nf6 {16} 7. Qb3 {23} Nc6 {22} 8. Bxf7+ {14} Kf8 {
14} 9. O-O-O {33} Qe7 {36} 10. Bd5 {19} Bc5 {29} 11. Nf3 {32} d6 {26} 12. Ng5 {
39} Nxd5 {21} 13. Qxd5 {16} Nb4 {30} 14. Qd2 {43} Bg4 {39} 15. Qf4+ {23} Kg8 {
31} 16. Qxg4 {7} h6 {33} 17. Ne6 {54} Re8 {51} 18. Nd5 {12} Nxd5 {39} 19. exd5
{14} Rh7 {32} 20. Qg6 {96} Bxf2 {71} 21. Rhf1 {27} Bh4 {20} 22. Kb1 {20} c6 {43
} 23. Nc7 {32} Qxc7 {20} 24. Qxe8# {(Lag: Av=0.68s, max=1.5s) 4} 1-0
At 7:27 AM,
Blue Devil Knight said…
You are just a madman at the board, Tak!
I broke down (down tell Dutch Defese) and ordered the Davies book...First opening book I've been excited about in a while!
At 8:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
I also like Gambits, but I still prefer the Scotch Gambit or the Goring Gambit with 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4 exd4 4.Bc4 or 4.c3
At 7:03 PM,
takchess said…
Yes CT, I think the Scotch gambit.Goring gambit is a little more sound. The Danish is hard to win as black if he tries to hold on to both of the pawns he won.
There are very effective defenses against the Danish giving back a pawn or declining the second one.
it is great fun to play.
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