Traxler and game results
I am the first casulty of the tournament of Lepers . Donnie beat me quite handily. I for some strange reason started to play my carokahn defense against the Pirc and had a somewhat confused game. He pushed me around with some tempo gaining moves and I ended up undeveloped and uncoordinated. Arggh .
Great fun and Donnie is a good sport. A good sport says "now thats an interesting move" when he could rightly say instead "your move really sucks!" Update: he nicely annotated this game here
I don't have that file of this game but here is a traxler I played tonight that I thought was interesting.
Great fun and Donnie is a good sport. A good sport says "now thats an interesting move" when he could rightly say instead "your move really sucks!" Update: he nicely annotated this game here
I don't have that file of this game but here is a traxler I played tonight that I thought was interesting.
At 7:06 PM,
Anonymous said…
Something about the Traxler looks really suspicious, but I'm not sure how to pwn it.
I wasn't being nice when commenting on those was true. When you told me "I try to develop as few pieces as possible", though, that was gold.
At 10:10 PM,
Kings Gambit said…
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At 10:13 PM,
Cratercat said…
and with all these romping traxlers, how are those sicilians coming along these days?
btw, i dropped you an email on the king's indian with some questions.
At 12:46 AM,
likesforests said…
Been there, done that. In many lines of the Scandinavian Black lets his bishop 'hang'... but it can't be captured for tactical reasons. A couple weeks ago I was playing a blitz game and I left it 'hang' and my opponent took it! I thought I had won until I looked closely and realized he'd deviated from the normal opening line and I had been blitzing out 'book' moves but missed that he had left book. ;)
At 10:42 AM,
takchess said…
(4947) Porrasta (1673) - Takchess (1568) [C57]
Rated game, 30m + 0s Main Playing Hall, 10.06.2008
[Fritz 10 (30s)]
C57: Two Knights: Wilkes-Barre/Traxler and 4 Ng5 d5 5 exd5, unusual Black 5th moves 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Nf6 4.Ng5 Bc5 5.Nxf7 Bxf2+ 6.Kf1 Qe7 7.Nxh8 d5 8.exd5 Nd4 9.c3 Nf5??N Black falls apart [9...Bg4 10.Qa4+ Nd7 11.cxd4 (11.Kxf2 Qh4+ 12.g3 Qf6+ 13.Ke1 Nf3+ 14.Kd1 Nd4+ 15.Ke1 Nf3+ 16.Kd1 Nd4+ ½–½ Valgardsson,G-Johannesson,I/Reykjavik 2000/CBM 075 ext; 11.Be2 Bxe2+ 12.Kxf2 Qf6+ 13.Ke1 Qh4+ 14.g3 Qe4 15.cxd4 Bf3+ 0–1 Torres Pavo,A (1920)-Rios Gonzalez,J (1977)/San Fernando 2003/CBM 095 ext) 11...Qf6 12.Be2 Bxd4+ 13.Bf3 Bxf3 14.Ke1 Qh4+ 0–1 Carrascoso Morales,A (2165)-Garcia Fernandez,C (2349)/Cullera 2005/CBM 107 ext; 9...Bg4 10.Ng6 hxg6 (10...Bxd1?? too greedy 11.Nxe7 Nc2 12.Kxf2 Ne4+ 13.Kg1 Kxe7 14.d3+-) 11.Qa4+ Nd7 12.Kxf2 Qh4+ 13.g3 Qf6+ 14.Ke1 Qf5–+] 10.Qf3 [¹10.Kxf2 and White has reached his goal 10...Qc5+ 11.d4 Qxc4 12.Re1+-] 10...Bc5 11.b4 e4 12.Qd1 [¹12.Qe2 might be the shorter path 12...Bd6 13.Kg1+-] 12...Nh4?? leading to a quick end [12...Bb6 13.d4 exd3 14.Bxd3 Ng4+-] 13.Ba3 [¹13.bxc5 and White takes home the point 13...Qxc5 14.d3+-] 13...Bg4?? letting the wind out of his own sails [¹13...Qf8 would allow Black to play on 14.Qa4+ Bd7=] 14.Qa4+ [¹14.Bb5+ secures the win 14...c6 15.dxc6+-] 14...Bd7± 15.Bb5 White's pieces can't move: b1+h8 [15.Qa5 Bd6 16.Ke1 Nxg2+ 17.Kd1=] 15...0–0–0?? strolling merrily down the path to disaster [¹15...Bb6 16.Ke1 Nxg2+ 17.Kd1 e3 18.Bxd7+ Nxd7³] 16.Bxd7+ [16.bxc5!? makes it even easier for White 16...Bxb5+ 17.Qxb5 Nxd5+-] 16...Nxd7 17.bxc5 Rf8+ [17...Qf6+ does not help much 18.Ke2 Nxg2 19.Rf1+-] 18.Ke2 [¹18.Ke1!? and White can already relax 18...Qg5 19.c6 Qxg2+-] 18...Qg5 [18...Qe5 does not solve anything 19.Kd1 Rxh8 20.c6+-] 19.Kd1 Qxg2 [19...Qg4+ is not the saving move 20.Kc1 Kb8 21.Re1+-] 20.Re1 [¹20.c6 seems even better 20...Kb8 21.Qb4 Qxh1+ 22.Kc2 b6 23.cxd7 Rxh8+-] 20...Nf3 [20...Rf1 there is nothing better in the position 21.Rxf1 Qxf1+ 22.Kc2 Nf3+-] 21.c6 Nxe1 22.cxd7+ Kd8 23.Bxf8 Qf1 [23...Qf3+ the only chance to get some counterplay 24.Kc1 Nd3+ 25.Kc2 Qxf8 26.Qxe4 Nc5 27.Qe8+ Qxe8 28.dxe8Q+ Kxe8+-] 24.Be7+! Decoy: c5 24...Kxe7 25.Qxe4+ Kxd7 26.Qe6+ Kd8 27.Nf7+ Qxf7 28.Qxf7 Takchess resigns (Lag: Av=0.37s, max=0.5s)[28.Qxf7 Nf3 29.Na3 Ng5 30.Qf8+ Kd7 31.Nc4 Nf3 32.Qxf3 c6 33.Qf7+ Kd8 34.Ne5 Kc8 35.Qd7+ Kb8 36.Qd8#] 1–0
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