Checking in

Did a complete circle of the book (the 50 deadly checkmates ) of How to Beat your Dad at chess. One does not need a chessboard due to many pictures that guide you through the tactics. Each tactic has 6-8 board views to guide you through each tactic. Great for the treadmill and places where it is hard to use a chessboard or computer. Still doing chess tactics for beginners as well.
Unsure if he a Knight or a friend of the Knight , Trans walks ,talks and solves like one so I placed him on my Knights sideboard. Rocky Rook is quietly chugging along with Ct-art, God bless him . But my favorite Knight is Komando Kitty , this picture perfectly captures how I feel after weeks of doing tactical chess training. Please scroll through the entire link to see him.
At 10:33 AM,
Blue Devil Knight said…
How do you like CTB? I assume Phase 1 is pretty easy. What I like is that doing Phase 3 of CTB and level 10 of CT-Art I get a small number of the same problems. I'd say CT-Art level 10 is just a WEE bit harder than CTB Phase 3. This suggests I am in the exact right place, doing CTB.
Last night I was playing a 1436 player, and he left me a great knight fork to take his queen! It popped out instantly. I had to calm down and convince myself it was indeed true. He resigned once I moved my Knight. That is something the lower-rated players hardly ever do.
At 3:48 AM,
takchess said…
I am at the last level which is 300ish How to proceed problems. They are all around Level 10-20 problems in Ct-art. Some overlap in the two programs but not too much. I am finding it worthwhile. I like how in the early stages there a simple win a piece problems that you don't see in ct-art
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