Monday, February 18, 2008
Sunday, February 17, 2008
tie in the traxler
I just played the traxler against someone with the bishop take . I hate that variation. I was glad to take the draw by repetition .
I ran it through Fritz who felt I had a win here. See the Fritznotation here . click the move list to see the notation.
It liked a push of the e pawn promotion and trade off.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Saturday, February 09, 2008
Notes on Chapter 3 On Castling and attacking the Castled Position in General
The Dynamic and Positional Considerations of Castling
Castling can be viewed in two ways as part of a series of moves or part of a static position.
Castling increased the dynamic potential of the position opening up new possibilities. increased the influence of the rooks, freeing the e file for a possible attack on the file, and prepared the ground for quick communication between the rooks.
Castling is also a postional move in it that provides an air of permancy to the position.The king tends to stay on the side which it is castled on. Until the endgame, it is a permanent feature. Before castling, the king has three choices staying in the center, castling kingside, castling queenside. Once it castled, their are disadvantages that follow the advantages. As now the opponent takes into the account this more permanent address of the king.
Artificial Castling = Castling by Hand. Eventhough a player has lost the right to castle,it is often still possible to put himself in a castled position at a cost of a few tempi.
The Correct Moment to Castle
(to be continued)
In my game study,I am currently studying the Art of Attack Chigorin-Caro Game
Also here is an attacking game that was the chess game. com game of the day A spectacular finish.
Thursday, February 07, 2008
In this position a knight equals a queen
here is some fritz analysis . As Dk pointed out the king in front of the pawns in this position is a dangerous thing and something white wants to avoid.
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
Learning lines in the Traxler (black to move)
Like a rabbit hypnotized by a python
Occasionally a position arises in the course of a game which cannot be evaluated on general principles, such as pawn weaknesses, open lines, better development, etc., since the state of equilibrium has been upset on several counts, rendering an exact weighing of the elements impossible. Attempting to calculate the variations doesn't always work, either. Imagine that White has six or seven different continuations, and Black five or six replies to each move; it's easy to see that no genius on earth could reach even the fourth move in his calculations. It is then that intuition or fantasy comes to the rescue: that's what has given the art of ches its most beautiful combinations, and allowed chessplayers the chance to experience the joy of creating.
It is not true to say that intuitive games were only played in the days of Morphy, Anderssen and Chigorin (as if now, in our era, everything were to be based totally on positional principles and rigorous calculation!): I remain convinced that, even in the games which received the brilliancy prizes at this tournament, not all of the variations were calculated to the end. Intuition has been and remains one of the cornerstones of chess creativity - of which we shall now see proof positive." David Bronstein,
Cut and Pasted from this site and this site