Notes from the Far Edge of the Continuum of Opening Insanity -Traxler and Goring Gambit

As Bdk has so aply discribed my opening choices.
And yet another Traxler this time a defeat. I will need to see what Heisman Cd says on this line. Stayed within a pawn of him for a long time which is normally sufficient for a wild tactic to make itself available. It went on to a winning endgame for white. Cut and Paste game into the sidebar.
1. e4 {1} e5 {3} 2. Nf3 {2} Nc6 {3} 3. Bc4 {2} Nf6 {3} 4. Ng5 {2} Bc5 {3} 5.
Nxf7 {4} Bxf2+ {2} 6. Kf1 {1} Qe7 {10} 7. Nxh8 {20} d5 {10} 8. exd5 {14} Nd4 {
46} 9. h3 {31} Bg3 {21} 10. c3 {22} Nf5 {24} 11. d4 {98} exd4 {18} 12. Qe2 {16}
Bd7 {22} 13. Qxe7+ {14} Kxe7 {38} 14. Bg5 {16} Rxh8 {27} 15. Nd2 {15} h6 {13}
16. Bxf6+ {5} Kxf6 {22} 17. Rg1 {28} Rf8 {20} 18. Ne4+ {14} Ke5 {17} 19. Nxg3 {
23} Ne3+ {14} 20. Ke2 {10} Nxc4 {4} 21. Rge1 {23} Ne3 {12} 22. cxd4+ {8} Kxd4 {
15} 23. Rac1 {18} Bb5+ {12} 24. Kd2 {19} Rf2+ {16} 25. Ne2+ {2} Bxe2 {28} 26.
Rxe2 {2} Nf1+ {25} 27. Ke1 {3} Rxe2+ {33} 28. Kxe2 {8} Ng3+ {6} 29. Kf3 {3} Nf5
{6} 30. Rd1+ {14} Kc5 {6} 31. g4 {18} Nd6 {33} 32. Kf4 {13} g5+ {6} 33. Ke5 {8}
Nc4+ {18} 34. Kf6 {8} Ne3 {5} 35. Rc1+ {10} Kxd5
Similar continuations
an interesting alternative on blacks move nine
All these and more can be found in this collection of mine
My play seems to be getting sharper. Alot of good that extra pawn did for black. 8)
1. e4 {2} e5 {8} 2. d4 {2} exd4 {5} 3. c3 {1} dxc3 {2} 4. Bc4 {1} Qe7 {112} 5.
Nxc3 {13} Nf6 {10} 6. Nf3 {24} Nxe4 {42} 7. O-O {4} Nc5 {51} 8. Bg5 {48} f6 {8}
9. Re1 {34} Ne6 {5} 10. Nd5 {20} Qd8 {22} 11. Ne5 {72} fxg5 {38} 12. Qf3 {7}
Nf4 {72} 13. Nc6+
l30 update up t0 543 second circle,update now 565, update 605 upd finish on to circle3 l30,add'l update hope to finish l30 this long weekend currently on 453,Sun on520.update finished monday with 54% on to L30 circle 4
5X5update on number 420 now.XXX on 500 now
another one for BDK added today. Felt rather Ct-art-ish the ending combination.
1. e4 e5 2. d4 exd4 3. c3 dxc3 4. Bc4 Nf6 5. Nxc3 Bb4 6.
Nf3 Bxc3+ 7. bxc3 Nxe4 8. Qd5 O-O 9. O-O Nxc3 10. Qh5 d5 11. Ng5 h6 12. Bb2
Nxa2 13. Nxf7 Rxf7 14. Bxd5 Qf8 15. Rfe1 Nb4 16. Bxf7+ Qxf7 17. Re8+ Qxe8 18.
Qxe8+ Kh7 19. Qf7
Upon reflection I am uncertain as if the continuation is the Danish or Goring I understand these lines often merge. Most likely they are Danishes