It's official

My Cup of Coffee in the big leagues is officially over. So much for talking loud and proud.8) I have been doing a few level 30 problems everyday but it appears I need a massive dose to stay playing at a higher level.
but perhaps there is hope. This am, my play as black against the Caro-kahn rated at 1840 . Had a won endgame but let it slip away. Still have some endgame study to do. I blundered the last pawn but still think at that point it may of been a draw.
1. e4 {2} c6 {3} 2. d4 {9} d5 {2} 3. f3 {2} e5 {11} 4. Ne2 {16} dxe4 {24} 5.
fxe4 {3} exd4 {76} 6. Qxd4 {5} Qxd4 {17} 7. Nxd4 {4} Nf6 {5} 8. Bc4 {9} Nxe4 {
41} 9. O-O {17} f6 {21} 10. Re1 {12} f5 {42} 11. Nc3 {6} Bc5 {8} 12. Be3 {26}
b5 {88} 13. Ncxb5 {14} cxb5 {8} 14. Bxb5+ {5} Bd7 {33} 15. Bxd7+ {11} Nxd7 {42}
16. Nxf5 {4} Bxe3+ {6} 17. Rxe3 {4} Ndf6 {55} 18. Nd6+ {8} Kd7 {14} 19. Nxe4 {8
} Nxe4 {48} 20. Rxe4 {5} Rhe8 {8} 21. Rd1+ {5} Kc6 {11} 22. Rc4+ {7} Kb6 {39}
23. Rb4+ {15} Kc5 {14} 24. a3 {13} Re2 {20} 25. Rb7 {34} Rae8 {33} 26. b4+ {12}
Kc6 {43} 27. Rxa7 {35} Rxc2 {14} 28. Rxg7 {12} Ree2 {8} 29. Rf1 {18} Ra2 {16}
30. Rf6+ {7} Kb5 {27} 31. Rf5+ {32} Ka4 {44} 32. b5 {43} Reb2 {67} 33. Rgg5 {14
} Rxa3 {Nudechess réclame le gain suite à déconnexion 44} 34. Rg4+ {296} Ka5 {
18} 35. Rgg5 {24} Kb6 {26} 36. h3 {8} Rab3 {66} 37. Kh2 {19} Rd3 {95} 38. Rh5 {
15} Rdd2 {33} 39. Rfg5 {6} Rd7 {17} 40. Rh6+ {18} Kc7 {68} 41. b6+ {6} Rxb6 {11
} 42. Rxb6 {6} Kxb6 {2} 43. h4 {13} Kc6 {7} 44. Rg3 {9} Kc7 {23} 45. Re3 {18}
Kd8 {7} 46. Kh3 {5} Rg7 {13} 47. h5 {7} h6 {9} 48. Kh4 {5} Rxg2 {14} 49. Rd3+ {
6} Ke7 {Takchess offers a draw (Lag: Av=0.32s, max=1.0s) 9} 1/2-1/2